A bunch of useless crap
MasonM's Articles In Blogging » Page 2
March 1, 2004 by MasonM
I have only been with my present company since Jan. but have already decided to secure a position elsewhere. In a job that should pay over $1000 a week my gross last week was only $375, and after deductions my take home was $0. And I even worked over the weekend for some extra money. What a laugh! I spend far too much time sitting around with these people than actually driving. Last Monday I was unloaded at 7:15 am in Alabama. It was 2:30pm before they finally sent me another dispatch, and ...
March 7, 2004 by MasonM
Quit my job Friday. I was at our terminal in Hartsville, SC awaiting a dispatch to the Greenville, TN terminal where I was to turn in my truck. Well, dispatch was unhappy that I was quitting and giving me the run around so I told them I would just turn in my truck right then and there. I couldn't get a ride to the hotel so I walked the 7 miles and checked in Friday afternoon. My girlfriend was to head out from home Saturday morning to pick me up. She arrived around 1:00 on Saturday and we to...
June 9, 2004 by MasonM
While sorting through the material pieces of my life in preparation for the move, I ran across an old notebook. It is the notebook which I kept during my first bout of serious depression and was in treatment for it. I haven't seen or read this thing in several years now. After scanning through it, I decided to set down a few pieces of it in my blog. Here goes: I am coming to realize that I am not so much a loner as I would like to have myself believe. This experience, my illness, has sh...
June 8, 2004 by MasonM
I just dropped off a couple of my better suits and my trenchcoat at the dry cleaners. I will need them for the (hopefully) upcoming job interviews after I get to Florida. I am sorting through my things, doing laundry, and basically deciding what I will take with me and what I will leave behind. As I am doing this, it's a sad thing. I am leaving my life behind. I am leaving my girlfriend of seven years, my home, my friends, everything. I am going to Florida to start a new life in a new plac...
June 7, 2004 by MasonM
After a great deal of careful consideration, weighing all the pros and cons of the career options available to me and factoring in my age, health, and various other factors, I have reached a decision regarding the next step in my career. I have already made the decision to relocate to Florida, so that part was easy and fits right in with my decision. I have decided that the best possible career option for me at this point in my life is the well respected and age old self-employed occupa...
June 5, 2004 by MasonM
After a good deal of consideration I've decided that it's time for me to make some serious changes. Since my bad back will longer allow me to continue driving a truck for a living, I will have to look into something else. I spent a good many years working in the Electronics industry and had moved very high up in the ladder in my field. While I have been out of the industry for several years now, I still feel that my education, experience, and solid reputation may again serve me in my searc...
June 4, 2004 by MasonM
I just received this in an email from a friend. Thought I'd pass it along. As I Mature I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it. I've learned that yo...
June 4, 2004 by MasonM
In February of this year I received a ticket for 'improper lane change' while driving my rig through Georgia. The ticket was bogus. The cop was standing up the road, outside of his car using his laser gun. I signaled, waiting for the lane to clear, and moved over so as to not pass too closely to the cop. Well, he says I cut off a car when I changed lanes which was pure bull. He was just looking to write a ticket. Well, anyway, my court date was the 19th of last month, but I was hauling a...
June 3, 2004 by MasonM
I headed out on the Appalachian Trail as planned. The first day and night went pretty well, hiked several miles and found a great spot to set up camp. There was a pretty good storm that first night but the tent held up well. The second day was another story. I have had a bad back for quite some time now which gives me a great deal of trouble. It is the main reason I had to quit my job. Driving a truck was causing me far too much pain, to the point I could hardly walk on some days. The bad ...
June 1, 2004 by MasonM
I am sitting here having my morning coffee and tying up a few last minute loose ends. The day has arrived. Everything is ready to go. A little later this morning I will strap on my backpack and depart my house for the last time; never to return. At this point I reflect upon my mixed feelings about this adventure I am about to undertake. A great sense of anticipation of what is to come. A sense of loss for the things and people I leave behind. A chapter in the book of my life is coming...
May 31, 2004 by MasonM
...or does there seem to be a wave of "touchiness" going on here at JU lately? I'm seeing a lot of snapping and lashing out on seemingly small remarks. Is it the weather? It seems to be getting worse every day. A lot of sniping going on. What gives?
May 30, 2004 by MasonM
For reasons I won't go into here I have decided to forsake the bonds of our modern "civilized" society in favor of a simpler, more free life. Life in our modern world has become a daily trudge through a stressful serious of work days broken by the occassional day off to "decompress" for a short time. We are constantly inundated with media messages telling us what we "can't live without", what we should buy, think, look like, and feel like. And, like lemmings, we follow the crowd through th...
May 27, 2004 by MasonM
Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK] You are Super-Cool ! Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here. Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com Now the truth is out
May 27, 2004 by MasonM
Untitled Normal Page Ok, everyone else is posting pics of themselves, so I thoughtI may as well do the same.   Link
May 26, 2004 by MasonM
Just got home from the road. Has been a really good tour this time. I got to tour some very beautiful scenery. After I left home I hauled a load up to Wisconsin where I loaded a large sweeper (had a 20 foot broom) and a small power unit. The power unit was going to Twin Falls, ID and the sweeper was going to the seaport in Seattle, WA where it was to be loaded on a ship headed for Japan. The ride out to Seattle was great. I got to cruise across Iowa, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and Wa...