A bunch of useless crap
MasonM's Articles » Page 128
April 30, 2004 by MasonM
Today I had the odious chore of going to that great bastion of commercialism we (not-so) lovingly refer to as Wally World. Let me say right up front that I would much rather have my teeth pulled by a vet who just finished giving a bear an enima than to go into this mecca of the imported goods. But, I needed road groceries and am as broke as everyone else, so off I go. (I did drink a beer first, just to help numb the pain. medicinal purposes you know) Well, I had a pretty good idea of what ...
April 29, 2004 by MasonM
I recently rewatched the movie "Pay it Forward". If you haven't had the chance to see this one, it's well worth the time. Imagine just what kind of a world we would be living in if this idea actually took off. Can you just picture all of these people going around helping each other in a major way? Each asking only that the person helped go out and help three other people in return. There would have to be a major change in the basic selfish "me first" mentality so prevalent in our world ...
April 29, 2004 by MasonM
As I sit here, I am reflecting on the past few days. I got home from the road Monday evening and have been resting up from my travels, doing my laundry, and basically preparing to back out and do it all again. Yes, the rest has been welcomed as life on the road can be pretty exhausting. While I do get my sleep every night and my truck is quite comfortable, it's still 'being on the road' and after a week or so that truck can become pretty small and cramped. I have all the comforts of home w...
April 28, 2004 by MasonM
Truckers have a unique culture and language, most of which is totally incomprehensible to the average person. We are, for the most part an honest, surley, hard-working, rough-cut bunch of men and women who live in a world most people have no idea even exists. The average person, one who doesn't know (and doesn't want to know) a trucker, sees truckers as an impedement to their driving, and a bunch of uneducated rednecks driving around fouling up traffic. It may surprise these people to kno...
April 28, 2004 by MasonM
1.I enjoy it because it gives me an outlet for my silly ideas. Ok there's one. Waiting for 9 more. Just curious why others do it.
April 28, 2004 by MasonM
Just looked at my ranking. 99. I broke the top 100????? How did this happen? I suspect somebody has been sneaking in and reading my silly garbage. Who would do that? What could I have possibly written that anyone with an ounce of sense would want to read? Oh this world is in serious trouble!
April 28, 2004 by MasonM
You ever doing anything just really dumb? I was sitting in a truckstop the other day and ordered some breakfast. The waitress, oops that's not PC these days, the SERVER brought me my food and asked if there was anything else I would like. I said "Yes, some silverware would be nice". As soon as I said it I saw the silverware laying right there. Her response was "You need more silverware?" with a pretty "This guy is really stupid" look on her face. I made the excuse that "sorry, I'm not r...
April 28, 2004 by MasonM
Pain. I had lower back surgery in 1999. I put it off for years. I simply put up with the pain and went about my business. In 1999 my right leg stopped working. The stupid thing simply refused to do anything I asked of it. All it did was hurt. I was driving my rig into Louisville, KY during rush hour and traffic suddenly decided to stop in front of me as traffic has the annoying habit of doing for no apparent reason. I went to step on the brake to bring my rig to a halt, but nothing happene...
April 28, 2004 by MasonM
I first became really interested in eating with chopsticks a few years ago. I was making a pick up at a warehouse in New Jersey and most of the people working there were from Vietnam. I happened to be there when their lunch break came around. As I sat in the break room watching these guys eating their lunch, one older fellow piqued my curiosity. He was eating a fish/rice dish out of a cup with chopsticks. It was very interesting to watch his expert use of these ancient eating tools. I wait...
April 27, 2004 by MasonM
How do you do the quotes in the yellow boxes?????? I tried putting "quote" and "/quote" in brackets with the text in between but didn't work. I'm sure it's been asked before but I couldn't find the aswer so don't beat me up about it, I did look for it.
April 27, 2004 by MasonM
I just finished reading Jill's article and the resulting comments regarding religion and Hell. Jill's thoughts on the subject are not new., and I greatly respect her right to have and voice her views. I have heard and read these views before from many people. Many of the comments also reflect many common ideas which have been around for a great many years. Many scholors, philosphers, and religious leaders from all over the world have argued and debated these ideas for centuries. For this ...
April 26, 2004 by MasonM
Whew! Made it home this evening (finally). Today's delivery was a real pip. I hauled a rather odd looking thing from Wisconsin to the coast of North Carolina. It was a steel cylinder about 30 feet long, with fins running along it's length as well as inside of it, and a large flange on one end. I had no idea just what it was for, but that's really not my business. I just haul the stuff. Well, I called the customer this morning to get directions, and he just said "stop at the convenience sto...
March 25, 2004 by MasonM
As an over the road truck driver, I travel the highways and byways of the United States and Canada. During my travels, I often see some pretty amazing (and amusing) things out there. Sometimes some sad things as well. Drivers and their pets are sometimes pretty interesting and amusing. I have seen one driver several times in truckstops around the country who has a pygmy goat that rides in the truck with him. Yep, you read correctly; a pygmy goat. I guess a sheep would be too obvious. (So...
March 25, 2004 by MasonM
I really do enjoy a good cigar. I know this is an unpopular subject in today's sickeningly PC culture, but I have never been accused of being very PC in the first place. While yes, I am working on losing weight, working out, and generally getting healthier and more fit, I do still enjoy my cigars. I doubt that I will ever give them up. I imagine at this point some readers are envisioning those horrible stinking cheapo stogies. No, dear reader, I do not smoke those wretched things. I pre...
March 25, 2004 by MasonM
As I wrote in a previous article, I have been working on getting more fit and healthy since the first of the year. My diet has become much more healthy than before. I eat, on average, six times a day now. I eat small meals and healthy snacks. This serves to keep my metabolism up and burning energy. I cut out fried foods altogether and reduced the amount of fat and carbs I take in. Note I said I reduced fat and carbs, not eliminated them. The body needs some carbs and fat to function pro...