How giving could change the world
I recently rewatched the movie "Pay it Forward". If you haven't had the chance to see this one, it's well worth the time.
Imagine just what kind of a world we would be living in if this idea actually took off. Can you just picture all of these people going around helping each other in a major way? Each asking only that the person helped go out and help three other people in return.
There would have to be a major change in the basic selfish "me first" mentality so prevalent in our world today for this to actually happen. So often today people are concerned only with their own needs and wants with little or no regard to the needs or wants of others. The "looking out for number 1" concept would have to step aside in deference to the "looking out for the other guy" mentality.
How many of us today would really decline to help a person if we were able to? I'm sure most would say that "yes, I would help someone if I could". But, how many of us really go out of our way to help someone? Or to actually go and seek out someone who was in need of the help we could give them? How many of us today can give something of ourselves unselfishly without anything at all to gain from it and expecting nothing at all in return?
How would the basic nature of society change over time with such a radical alteration in the basic relationships between people who may or may not even know each other? It's pretty easy to help out someone we know , but what about the people we don't know? How many people today regularly hold a conversation with a person they don't know? How many go through their day without ever meeting a new person , never mind actually having some really significant positive impact on the life of a total stranger?
Or, are we in just too big a hurry these days to take the time? Are our lives so full of demands that simple human interaction is impossible? If so, how could we possibly take the time to do something really important for our fellow man?
It was just a movie based on an impossible idea. But.......what if?