A bunch of useless crap
Published on April 29, 2004 By MasonM In Blogging
As I sit here, I am reflecting on the past few days. I got home from the road Monday evening and have been resting up from my travels, doing my laundry, and basically preparing to back out and do it all again.

Yes, the rest has been welcomed as life on the road can be pretty exhausting. While I do get my sleep every night and my truck is quite comfortable, it's still 'being on the road' and after a week or so that truck can become pretty small and cramped. I have all the comforts of home while traveling. A stove, fridge, tv, dvd player, stereo system, a nice sized bed.....well ok, not quite ALL the comforts of home. No toilet or shower in my rig and I do miss my recliner at times.

Normally I also have my laptop with me so I can get online at WiFi hotspots which a lot of truckstops now have. It is nice to be able to get online right from the truck. Just pull into the parking lot and fire up the laptop. But, alas, my laptop is in need of repairs. I hope to be able to have my bills caught up in the next few weeks so I can afford to put it in for service.

I was off work for a couple of months after a wreck and got behind on a few things. Darned creditors just don't seem to understand these things, do they?

Anyway, I digress. One of the greatest pleasures and respites I get while home resting is the opportunity to write. Not to pound out some great masterpiece that will forever change the world, but to simply put my mind down in words. I have always enjoyed writing. Creative writing and Composition were among my favorite courses in college and I don't mind saying that I did quite well in those classes. I truly love to write.

I have never really worked hard to master all of the techniques and tools of writing needed to become a professional writer. I did at one time aspire to write professionally, but gave up on that a long time ago. "The Great American Novel" just isn't in me. I have written several short stories and articles in the past and received some satisfaction at having them published on a small scale. Never anything big of course.

Perhaps writing professionally would take all of the pleasure out of it. It would become "work" and I'm not sure it would be as satisfying. Or, perhaps knowing that I would never be a great writer, it's just "sour grapes"? Whatever the case may be, I am content to write merely for the sake of writing. To express my thoughts and ideas in print (even cyber-space print) has it's own rewards.

While I do keep a journal while on the road, finding the time to set down a few thoughts is rare and they are never as long or as in-depth as I would like them to be; just a few notes here and there. Time is simply not available for it. This is one of the things I most look forward to when I get to spend some time at home. To write for no other reason than "I can".

While it does lend a certain pleasure and satisfaction when others read what you have written and express some interest, it really isn't the point or even required. It's the writing that matters most. Just the writing.

on Apr 29, 2004

I moved furniture and commercial goods for twenty years, some of it over the road. I have some of my wildest journal entries from some of those experiences. I'd love to hear about your work, your observations generally, etc. Thanks for posting. If you'd like to correspond, that would be cool. Keep us posted, in any case.
on Apr 29, 2004
It can be an interesting life. I was never cut out for the "daliy grind" of going in to a "regular job". Just too dull and routine.

Thanks for the comment Jimbo
on Apr 29, 2004
Mason....hey look at you on the front page!
I definitely think your observations on the road would be cool to read. Good job..I like reading you..
on Apr 29, 2004
You write well. Writing free lance is certainly work, but putting your observations together and making them into a book can be fun. Books are easier to write than articles, because you don't have to worry about what the magazine's theme is. On the other hand a trucker's magazine would probably love some of your writing. Seeing yourself in print in very rewarding.
on Apr 29, 2004
Wow. I would have never even noticed it Kelly. I rarely look at the front page. Thanks.

I never expected to have a featured article. I'm speechless.
on Apr 29, 2004
Your writing is a welcome addition to Joeuser.
on Apr 29, 2004
Sherye~ Thanks. I have considered something along those lines. Maybe after my laptop is back in action.

psychx~ thank you very much
on Apr 29, 2004
MasonM-Great read. I like your style and agree with those who have mentioned it would be fun to hear (read) your observations from the road.
on Apr 29, 2004
Thanks Dev. I just might make that a regular series on my blog. Suspect it will turn out to be rather boring though.
on Apr 30, 2004
Wow. I gotta say, back when she was whitetrash (she's a richbitch now) my mom used to waitress in a truckstop. Years ago, but she always had a soft spot for the guys, and I remember when i had to sit in with her on her shift, i'd just sit on the floor, like in awe of these guys (I used to count how many notches this one guy i saw a few times would move on his belt after he'd eaten).I guess it must get awful tiring, but i always thought i'd be so cool to travel so much. I've only ever taken like one roadtrip (hardly the same thing is it?) but life on the open road really appeals to me. Your blog's really cool, it fascinated the hell outta me! Dyl, xxx
on Apr 30, 2004
Thanks you very much Dylan. It can be interesting. Lot's of boredom too at times. Goes with the territory, but the moments of seeing something really interesting or unique, or some little adventure or other, really makes it worthwhile.
on Oct 01, 2004
This is an excellent post. It's from before my time here at JU, so I'm glad you shared this with me. I've always wondered about life on the road. I've driven across the country many times, but always moving or visiting. Nothing like what you do. Thanks again for sharing this one with me!