A bunch of useless crap
MasonM's Articles In Blogging » Page 65
June 12, 2007 by MasonM
Today was day 2 of my smoking quit. It really hasn't been all that bad. The Wellbutrin has really made a difference. I've had a few cravings here and there but nothing terrible. I'd just pop a piece of cinnamon gum or cinnamon candy in my mouth and go on about my bidness. I'm spending the night in Southern Indiana tonight and will get an early start tomorrow as I'd like to make delivery in WI before noon if at all possible. I haven't really felt like doing any fine work yet so I haven't...
June 10, 2007 by MasonM
In the process of packing up my stuff in preparation for going back on the road I noticed that the samples of Wellbutrin the doc had given me were running low. There was only enough for a few more days. I hopped on the bent and rode over to the pharmacy to fill my 30 day prescription. I'm damn glad I asked about the price difference between the name brand and the generic drug. The name brand would have been $180! For 30 stinking little pills! Outrageous! The generic was $140. Better b...
June 10, 2007 by MasonM
It feels like I just got home and now I have to prepare to hit the road again. I'll be leaving out some time this afternoon as I have to pick up a military vehicle in Charleston, SC tomorrow. It's amazing how fast the time at home flies by. I feel like I could use a few more days but having bills to pay makes that less than practical. I have lots to do before I leave, but for now I am just not motivated. Maybe after I've had my morning coffee and shower.
June 9, 2007 by MasonM
I rode down to the C-store to pick up some beer. When I got inside there were several young gang banger wannabes hagning around taking up space. I could see the clerk was less than comfortable even though they really weren't doing anything wrong, just talking kinda loud with a lot of "yo" and such. I am not one who is easily intimidated, but have always been pretty good at intimidating. I walked right through the midst of the largest group of them and towards the beer cooler. I looked them...
June 8, 2007 by MasonM
The storm broke just in time for me to walk outside and watch tonight's shuttle launch. I was able to watch it go for a pretty good way before it finally disappeared behind the clouds. Every since I stood outside and watched Challenger explode during launch I get a knot in the pit of my stomach while watching one go up. The shock of seeing what happened to Challenger live and in person and not on television has always stayed with me and I am reminded of it every time I watch a launch. I j...
June 8, 2007 by MasonM
I believe that the Wellbutrin is starting to work a bit. I've had two decent nights sleep in a row now. The stuff does seem to spawn some odd dreams but I am otherwise finally getting some real sleep. Just getting some proper rest makes a world of difference with depression. It becomes a vicious cycle. The depression saps you of energy and makes you feel very tired but it also interferes with your ability to get restful sleep. All you feel like doing is sleeping but you're unable to do so...
June 7, 2007 by MasonM
I haven't done any knitting since this depression stuff started but today I bought a skein of yarn in a color to match Mom's new sofa. I had seen a pretty cool looking knitted clock and am making one for her. I still have to pick up some cork board for the backing and the actual clock mechanism itself, but for now I can work on knitting the clock face. Hopefully I'll get to feeling like finishing those socks I started, but for now the clock is something pretty simple as well as something d...
June 6, 2007 by MasonM
I'm pretty much a live and let live kind of person but I can't abide trespassers. When I got home today I discovered that a group of gnats had moved into my home. I assume they're in here getting out of the heat as there's nothing left out to attract them. Like I said, I can't abide trespassers. I gave them a warning, which they chose to ignore, and then cut lose with my weapon (rolled up magazine). It was a long, drawn out affair but I think I have managed to kill all but a few straggle...
June 6, 2007 by MasonM
I got an early start this morning and delivered the military truck to the Marine base at Blount Island, FL. I then started out for home. Amazingly enough I ran into no traffic or weigh station problems coming home. I cruised right through Orlando without having to stop or even slow down (that NEVER happens) and made it home without incident. That kinda makes me nervous. It went too smoothly. I told dispatch that I'd be home until Monday. That will give me a few days of rest before headi...
June 5, 2007 by MasonM
I had what I thought was a good idea for an article. Now I wish I could remember what it was. Damn. Has anyone seen my idea?
June 4, 2007 by MasonM
I was listening to Sherlock Holmes on the XM radio today and have a bloody British accent stuck in my head now so if you don't mind, read the following with an imagined British accent ala Holmes or Watson. Sorry for the bother, that's just the way it came out you know. When you're in the midst of a depression episode you pretty much don't care about anything and pretty much everything is just too much of a bother to deal with. Depression episode; that's what my shrink always called it back...
June 3, 2007 by MasonM
I'm parked at a small fuel stop. I walked inside a short while ago to get a bite to eat. I wish I had noticed the bus parked there before I had gone it. If I had, I wouldn't have bothered at all. The place was crowded with noisy people wandering and milling around, none of whom paid the slightest bit of attention to where they were going or what they were doing. How does one survive to adulthood without learning the simple lesson of looking where the hell you're going? I swear I came very,...
June 2, 2007 by MasonM
They had the ac in my truck fixed by the time I got to the yard. I checked in at the office and he said he was putting together a load to Florida for me. That will work out just fine. The annual 72 hour Federal DOT concentrated inspection will be taking place of the 6th, 7th, and 8th of this month. It's when they bring in extra manpower at all of the scales as well as put extra vehicles on the road to pull over trucks for inspections. It's a real pain in the ass and doesn't actually accomplis...
June 1, 2007 by MasonM
I went over to Appleby's for dinner. There were two bartenders working, one I know and a new one. I spent some time chatting with the new one and found her rather cute and interesting. At some point in our conversation she mentioned her father's age. He's the same age I am. Shit. I am definitely old now.
June 1, 2007 by MasonM
I hauled a fire truck down to Milwaukee this morning and delivered it to the Sheriton hotel across from the airport. Some kind of big trade show. I then went to the Army Reserve base and picked up a tanker trailer and brought it back to the yard. I checked in with the shop, yelled at the guy who runs the shop about my ac not being fixed right, and then laid down in my bunk for a nap. I was exhausted. They woke me a couple of hours later and had me pull the truck into the shop. They disc...