Today was day 2 of my smoking quit. It really hasn't been all that bad. The Wellbutrin has really made a difference. I've had a few cravings here and there but nothing terrible. I'd just pop a piece of cinnamon gum or cinnamon candy in my mouth and go on about my bidness.
I'm spending the night in Southern Indiana tonight and will get an early start tomorrow as I'd like to make delivery in WI before noon if at all possible.
I haven't really felt like doing any fine work yet so I haven't been knitting on my sock. I did start an Irish Hiking Scarf which I think will be pretty cool. It's my first attempt at cabling. I'm trying to work in smaller projects that have the techniques I need to master before tackling a sweater. By the time I finish this scarf I should have cabling down pat.
Not much else going on really. Oh yeah, I did manage to stop by that little bar in Knoxville to check on my sunglasses. They weren't there. I wasn't too surprised at that. But at least now I know. I'll just have to pick up another pair.
Time for a DVD and some knitting.