I got up nice and early this morning, had some coffee and oatmeal while trying to fight off a serious cigarette craving, cleaned up a bit, took a brisk walk around the parking lot, and then put my rig in the wind. It was looking like it might be a decent day. That is until it started warming up a bit and I realized that somewhere between yesterday afternoon and this morning my air conditioner went south on me. Damn. It's always something isn't it? I pulled off my shirt and hit the buttons ...
I got up nice and early this morning, before the sun came up, so I could get rolling towards my final stop. I wanted to get it delivered as early ass possible so I could get back up to Huntsville, TX and get my return load picked up. Dispatch had been told that the shipper in Huntsville only loaded until noon, but a quick call to them told me that they were actually loading until 5:00 which took the pressure off. But I still wanted to get it done as early as possible. On my way to my deliv...
Today in a moment of weakness I bought a pack of smokes. It was a damn stupid thing to do, I know that and knew it at the time, but I did. Just call me stupid. But in a twisted kind of way I'm glad that I did. After the cashier, an elderly Asian lady, rang up my purchase I picked the pack up off the counter and told her that I really shouldn't be buying them as I was trying to quit. She said to me (in a very thick Asian accent) "No, you do not try. You just quit. No try." She reminded m...
This morning I finally managed to get in contact with someone at the final stop here in WI and get directions to the place. I cruised over there and unloaded the two pieces. It went pretty smoothly. Dispatch called me and asked me to run up to Chilton and pick up a snow removal truck and snow broom. Ummm, yeah, ok. This time of year? I guess it's a late order for the Air Force, heading to a base in OH. I went up there and got it loaded. Those things are a bear to secure. The truck part ...
My first attempt at quitting smoking earlier this week was a disaster. I foolishly went into it thinking that it would be pretty easy and that I could just bull my way through the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Yeah, right. It takes some planning and preparation just like much of anything else. I finally made it back to the yard early this evening, dropped my trailer, and made a beeline to Wally World. I had a plan. I picked up a box of Nicoderm patches (wow are those suckers expensive...
I got up at 5:00 am Central time so that I would have time to get a cup of coffee and make delivery on time. I have to say that this quitting smoking thing is going to be harder than I thought it would be. I caved this morning and bought a pack. This is going to be tough but I'll keep trying. It seems mornings are going to be the hardest for me I made delivery on time. The place is really small and getting in a out of the place was a bear, but I managed it. They unloaded their pieces and I...
The truck behaved itself today and I made it up here to MI. It's actually quite chilly here. It's cool enough for sleeping without the need for ac, but still warm enough to not need heat either. I won't have to idle the truck tonight. I did pretty well on the healthier eating today. I had a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar for breakfast, a banana for lunch, and for dinner I had a salad, grilled chicken with Spanish rice, and broccoli. I'm about 30 minutes from the delivery point in Rom...
While riding through GA today I was in a very good mood. I really don't know why. The sky was clear, not a single cloud to be seen, the sun was shining brightly, I had the open road laid out before me as my 80,000 lbs steed was responding to my will. Who could ask for more? As I passed through Atlanta and was listening to my XM radio blaring out an AC/DC tune I couldn't help but feel good. I was in the best mood I had felt for a good while. Maybe it was just the relief after the bullshi...
There is a small bar across the street from the TA truck stop in Knoxville.TN called the Prince Deli. It's a pretty decent place. There is usually some local band or other playing there and all in all it's a pretty happening spot for both trucker and locals. I've been stopping in the place for years and knew the owner, Sam, pretty well. He was a Palestinian, a hell of a nice guy, and very opinionated about the whole Palestine/Israel situation. I used to bring it up just to get him fired up...
This morning I got up early and had a nice healthy breakfast before heading over to pick up my truck at the garage. I had coffee, a banana, and an apple. While it doesn't sound like much it was actually filling, satisfying, and didn't leave me feeling bloated and heavy the way my normal greasy sausage and eggs breakfast tends to do. I picked up my truck and started heading North. I think the truck may be fixed this time. So far I haven't had to add any water to it and it seems to be runnin...
Well, at least I hope it is. The garage called and said that the truck is ready to pick up. As I've already paid for another night in the hotel I'll go get it in the morning. The customer in MI is expecting me at 7:00 am on Monday. As it's only about 14 hours from here that shouldn't present much of a problem assuming that the truck is actually fixed. I walked over to the Chinese restaurant up the street for dinner. It wasn't half bad. I am now settled back into my room with a six pack...
I've read all of the stuff regarding the signs of skin cancer. I think probably everyone who lives in Florida has. I have this brown spot on my face that I think may be skin cancer. It's roughly the size of a dime. It's slightly raised, irregular in shape, and kind of just sort of appeared one day and grew to what it is now. As I spend a great deal of time out in the sun it's possible. Cancers do run in my family. I guess I should probably go see a doctor about it at some point. It'...
I finally got the load adjusted this morning so that the weights are legal on all axles. The guy wanted 75 bucks but I gave him 50. I started heading North and made it out of Florida, but had to stop at the state line to add more water to the radiator. I had just poured in 6 gallons before I left Jacksonville. I had to stop again about 30 minutes later and add another 3 gallons. I then had to stop again 30 minutes later, in Tifton, GA to add another 5. That was it. I'd had enough of the...
This morning I was awakened by a call from the lady at the trucking company up in Northern Florida that was supposed to help me move these machines around to try and get the weights right. Once I explained to her what I needed to do she said their small forklift couldn't possibly do the job. Great. When the office opened I called dispatch and filled them in. They finally called me back with the name and number of someone in Jacksonville that said he could do the job for fifty bucks. All I ...
It was one of "those" days. The kind that makes you wish you had just stayed in bed. I drove my rig over to Titusville this morning and found the machinery place I was looking for with no problem. So far so good. There were already several trucks there either loading or waiting to load. Crap. I waited my turn and backed into the narrow sand driveway from the narrow sand road after a number of pull ups and adjustments to do so without running down one of the numerous small trees lining the ...