On my way home yesterday I made a quick stop to grab a bite to eat. As I was in a hurry I violated one of my own rules and stopped at a fast food joint; Arby's. As far as fast food goes I think Arby's is a little better than most of them. When I walked up to the counter I saw a large sign that listed some specials for each day of the week. Yesterday's special was a buck off a combo meal. Cool. I ordered a combo, the girl rang it up, I paid thinking it seemed a tad high, and looked at my rec...
I finally made it home this afternoon. I decided to drop my trailer atthe place where I park my truck and bobtail to my house to unload mygear and three months worth of dirty laundry since Mom's husband isbusy with her at the hospital. I figured that way all he would have todo is come and pick me up and not waste extra time while I unloaded allof my crap. As I pulled onto the street I caught a glimpse of a car that lookedjust like Mom's with two people in it. I figured it couldn't be her'sa...
When I called to find out how my mother was doing after her throat cancer surgery I was infuriated. The person who answered the phone transferred me to the first of their three ICU wards. The nurse there told that my mother wasn't in her ward and that she was in ICU 2 and transferred me there. The nurse there told me that Mom wasn't there and that she must be in ICU 1. No, I said they transferred me there because she wasn't in 1. She said she must be in 3 and transferred me there. At this poi...
I spoke with the nurse in the recovery room this afternoon. My mother made it through the surgery ok. What a huge relief off my mind. I appreciate all of the prayers and positive thoughts.
I spoke with my mother on the phone a bit ago. I can tell she's worried about her surgery tomorrow although she's trying hard to not let it show. Same thing I would do. She gave me the phone number for the hospital and we talked a bit. I can tell. I make a point of staying positive when talking to her but I suspect she can tell I am worried. I know there's nothing that I can do that will affect the surgery one way or the other but I still wish I could be there. Not being there for...
I've been trying like hell to make it home in time for Mom's throat cancer surgery on Friday but Murphy's Law has been in full effect and it just isn't going to happen. At best I'll make it there a day or two after. This is really depressing me and stressing me at the same time. I know she really wanted me there when she goes in. As her health is poor I am really concerned about her going in for this surgery. The last time she had surgery she stopped breathing on the table and they had a hell...
The plan was for me to get loaded up and headed for home today. So far that hasn't happened. Yesterday I picked up a generator going to Florida and we had planned for me to fill out the load with a military truck this morning. The factory is running a bit behind and the truck isn't ready yet. I am sitting around waiting for dipatch to figure something out to get me loaded and going home. I am starting to be concerned that I won't make it home in time for Mom's surgery. It's not like she'll...
Over the weekend I had a lot of extra time on my hands. I had to make sure I cleared IL before noon on Saturday as they don't allow oversized loads to move between noon on Saturday and sunrise Monday. Beats me why. Once I cleared IL I had a lot of time to get to my delivery just North of Geen Bay Monday morning. I stopped and killed Saturday afternoon and night at a Petro truck stop South of Milwaukee. I accidentally wandered over to the bar and grill across the street. They have cold beer an...
As this seems to be some major issue these days I just wanna say that I'm not leaving JU. I delivered the wheel loader this morning, picked up some other crap, ate some food, and checked into the hotel as my load home is still developing. Mom called me yesterday to see if I'll make it home before her surgery. That's the plan and I hope it'll work out but I couldn't tell her for sure I would be there. She sounded worse. I met an interesting woman at Applebee's tonight. I was impressed ...
OK, so I've been seeing aall of these "On such and such" bullshit articles posted one after another. Whatever. I hauled a firetruck down to Dover AFB. The route I had to take due to the oversized load was pure bullshit and it took me an extra day to get there thanks to being stuck behind farm tractors and school buses. Ah well, I did finally make it there. From there I went up to Northern PA and picked up a wheel loader, which is basically a bulldozer except with wheels instead...
The only load dispatch had for me yesterday was a crash truck (airfield fire truck) going to Tacoma. As I need to get home for Mom's surgery on the 9th I didn't want to go to the left coast and risk not being able to make it to Florida on time. We decided that I would just take the weekend off and pick up another crash truck heading to Dover AFB on Monday. Staying East will ensure I can get home on time even though I don't really like running in that area in Maryland. While inspecting my t...
Last night while I was having dinner at Applebee's a black guy came in and sat at the bar. Since this WI town is one of the whitest places I've ever been, with very little in the way of diversity, I assumed he was from somewhere else just as myself. I had him rightly pegged as a truck driver, but he surprised me when he said he was a local driver and lives here. I said "You live here? Are you like the only black dude in town?" He laughed at that and said that no, there are a few here. He k...
I finally made it back to the yard today. As I got in late and didn't have a pending load that I know about I checked into the hotel ( sort of, more on that later) and went over to Applebee's for a few adult beverages and dinner. The area was hit hard by a nasty lightening storm. It was striking all around me, very close as I dropped my trailer. Now, you have to understand that I once spent three months blind as a bat becaue of a lightening strike (yes, I've been hit by lightening) I was less...
Yesterday I made it to where I needed to go to pick up my trailer. The place is a government installation out in the middle of nowhere in Idaho. The security there is very high and I had to check in, sign in, ID check, and be escorted to the place where my trailer was sitting. It was 8 miles from the gate to the actual location, where I went through the entire security process again as well as having my truck inspected, before I was allowed into that compound to get the trailer. For obvious r...
Well, the weather people were right this time. While bobtailing across Montana I ran smack into a snow storm. Loaded big trucks get very good traction on messy roads. All that weight is a huge advantage under these conditions. Unfortunately that same truck without a load or a trailer gets almost no traction at all on the same roads. Between the snow and ice on the road and high cross winds I broke traction several times before I finally reached an exit with a hotel. I took the exit and mor...