A bunch of useless crap
MasonM's Articles In Politics
June 12, 2004 by MasonM
WARNING: This is an article about generalities with regard to political ideologies.This article contains MY personal observations, opinions, and conclusions. It is all based solely on things I have observed personally and is not supported by sources other than my own observations (It's called thinking for yourself) It is just chock full of generalities. If that bothers you, stop here and move on to another article. I read articles and discussions written from both left and right wing per...
June 19, 2004 by MasonM
May 25, 2006 by MasonM
The ACLU, who have always claimed to stand primarily for freedom of speech, have finally proven themselves for the hypocrits that they are. I first heard this story on XM Satellite radio. As reported in the New York Times, the ACLU is considering a new policy in which its board members would be prohibited from publicly criticizing ACLU policies and internal administration. "You sure that didn't come out of Dick Cheney.s office?" former ACLU board member Nat Hentoff asked. "For the na...
May 16, 2005 by MasonM
We the people need to stand up and demand our lawmakers do their jobs and address the problems of wasted tax dollars in the Federal government. The deficit problem could be well on it's way to being addressed if the BILLIONS of wasted tax dollars every year were spent responsibly. The linked site lists some examples and by no means is all of the waste. Source: Link I think the Feds need to account for their spending before asking the taxpayers to fork over more money. And the taxp...
May 5, 2005 by MasonM
Would you really like to see America's lawmakers doing something to improve the standard of living in this country? Help improve the conditions for the poor? There is a way to motivate the elected officials to do something that would actually improve things. Change the way the lawmakers are paid. Instead of the big salaries they are paid now, each elected official should be paid the same as the average income of the people in the area he/she represents, with government welfare assistance c...
May 4, 2005 by MasonM
These are just some ruminations of my own on the sad state of affairs around the world. World-wide we have war, terrorist attacks, genocide or attempted genocide, civil wars, and general conflict in some form or another. There are times when the entire world seems bent on destruction. What is at the root of all of this hate and discontent? What is it that causes an otherwise intelligent and graceful species capable of creating beautiful art, literature, science, and poetry to turn on itsel...
August 16, 2007 by MasonM
I think this country needs to elect a Liberal President. Yes, it would mean tax increases and most likely would mean rampant government spending. Yes, it would result in an increased Nanny State. Yes, it would probably wreck our economy. Yes, it would likely mean political correctness run amok. Yes, it would probably mean that we would drop our defenses and allow terrorists free reign on our soil. Yes, it would probably mean illegal aliens would gain a preferred status in th...
February 12, 2007 by MasonM
Let's face it; Capitalism is a bust. The economies of the capitalist countries are rapidly failing, greed and corruption are rampant, and the standard of living in these countries is among the lowest in the world. The wealthy capitalists are getter wealthier while the uneducated working class are starving in the streets and unable to buy even the least expensive iPods on the market. We should be looking to the Socialist countries as models for success. Their economies are booming, their st...
October 3, 2006 by MasonM
This is just sick and is a prime example of what is seriously wrong with American politics. There is an elected Congressman that sent some rather nasty messages to an underaged page. Ok, it's a sick, illegal, and perverse thing to do. It was found out. Good. He was forced to resign. Even better. Some members of a political party which I will not name but who's initials are DEMOCRAT are trying to use this unfortunate situation to gain some political ground. That's just plain sick. Especiall...
September 3, 2006 by MasonM
I really hate election years. We are inundated with political campaign ads and the majority of them don't bother telling us why we should vote for the candidate the ad supports, but rather why we shouldn't vote for whomever they are running against. Mudslinging at it worst. As I have been watching the news this morning I have seen ads for all sorts of people running for office and, with one single exception, they all spent the majority of their air time telling me why I shouldn't vote for ...
August 5, 2006 by MasonM
Thanks to President Bush, the radicals of the Muslim world now hate the United States. Prior to Bush and his insane policies the radical Muslims loved the US and always had the greatest of respect for the US. Now, unfortunately, because of Bush's policies the radical Muslims have turned against the country they have always loved. Rumor has it that thanks to Bush, they may even be contemplating terrorist acts against the oned loved US and it's allies as a direct result of Bush's policies. ...
August 1, 2006 by MasonM
According to recent super secret studies, President Bush's policies have led to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon resulting in the use of so many explosives that it has caused the atmosphere to heat up resulting in a heat wave throughout most of North America. A recent poll conducted in a local tavern proves that 70% of Americans believe that Bush's policies have resulted in the current high temps in the nation. That number rose to 95% if the pollster was buying a round. The same po...
June 11, 2006 by MasonM
Well, I guess Pres. Bush has one again failed to, ummm, no actually it seems the Administration deserves some credit here but it seems that this doesn't deserve a lot of heavy MSM press. VIOLET, Louisiana - The US Army Corps of Engineers has met its goal of fixing battered levees around New Orleans as the new hurricane season starts.... Link
May 27, 2006 by MasonM
This should make our resident "blame Bush for everything" happy. WASHINGTON, DC—Characterizing the move as a "dramatic new change in the way this administration relates to the public," President Bush ordered the immediate deployment of 6,000 National Guard troops to White House media and public-relations posts throughout the country. "My fellow Americans, we are at war. I have mobilized our brave troops to a position where they can advance my policy objectives to the press and the Americ...
October 30, 2008 by MasonM
After listening to both major candidates' views on the various issues I have decided to vote for Obama. The main reason for this is his plan to redistribute the wealth in this country. I think that's a good thing. I think we should take other people's money (just not mine) and give it to those who need it most. As he's only talking about taking it from people other than myself I think that's a great thing. All of those rich people are just crooked leeches on society anyway. I mean really, wha...