Over the weekend I either picked up some stomach virus or ate some bad chow, I'm not sure which. The effect is the same though. Being sick any time sucks, but somehow being sick out here on the road is especially bad, and having extreme diarrhea make driving especially challenging. I was supposed to deliver my first stop in the suburbs of Chicago yesterday morning and the second stop this morning. No such luck. I was unable to move from the truck stop for fear of not being able to reach a ...
I finally got a bit of time to install Slackware Linux on my new laptop. It was well worth the small amount of time involved. The default installation ran pretty well, but after I reconfigured for the sound card and installed the nVidia graphics driver, as well as some of my personal tweaks, it is amazingly fast. The damn thing screams. While Slackware has a reputation for being difficult to install and configure, I've been using it since 1995, the total installation and set up time was ab...
The shop was too busy to get my truck in today so I checked into the local hotel. As per normal routine I went over to Applebee's for dinner and a few adult beverages. As with any restaurant Applebee's has a certain amount of turn over so there are usually some new people working there whenever I stop in. Tonight was no exception. I saw several new faces, along with the expected ones who seem to always be working there. I was particularily stricken by one new young lady. She has a classic ...
I delivered in Oshkosh this morning and then made my way down to the yard. I am now waiting to get my truck into the shop for servicing and then I'll be heading for Gulfport. I have a military truck going to gulfport, and some crane parts I'll be dropping off at two different locations along the way. It's an ok run. We had a pretty nasty storm pass through here in the wee hours this morning and now the air is heavy and humid. It feels more like Florida than Wisonsin today. I'll be happy to...
Yesterday I went over to Wal Mart from the motel. While there I saw that they had knocked $100 off a fairly nice HP laptop. As mine is showing signs of age and wear and has been giving me some problems I decided it was time to replace it. So far I really like this machine. It's an HP Pavillion dv6000, had a wide screen, AMD Turion 64x2 processor, an nVidia video card, 3GB RAM, CD/DVD burner, and a 120 GB hard drive. It's a real step up from my older, more expensive Dell. Naturally it came ...
Well, it took a while as I only knit and little here and a little there, mostly in truck stops, taverns, and honky tonks, but I finally finished the sweater last night while tossing back a few cold ones in a little honky tonk in Texarkana. I think it turned out ok. At least it fits LOL
I'm currently sitting in a truck stop in Weatherford, TX. I'll be here for the night. Monday I picked up a fire truck heading for the Air Force base in Abilene, TX. Once I loaded it up and chained it down I stopped by the yard to see if they had anything else going this way. I was told that they didn't so I hit the road for Texas. I stopped down at the WI/IL to fuel up. Once fueled I was preparing to hit the road so that I could be in Abilene by Wednesday (today). Just as I was about to pu...
Ever since the wreck in '04 and the subsequent 14 month recovery period, I've had some days that are good and some days that are less than good. I call the latter pain days. Every day is an exercise in constant pain for me, but some days it's not so bad. Other days, it really sucks. Today was such a "suck" day, or a pain day. Every movement, walking, moving the arms, head, whatever, is painful. My whole body hurts, especially the joints. Walking is sheer will as the pain is amazing. ...
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a member of the Apollo 14 moon mission who, along with Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest moon walk, stated in a radio interview that extraterrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions and that these visits have been covered up by the world's governments. He claims to have been briefed by NASA on these alien visitors and that the world-wide government cover up has been going on for more than six decades. A few quotes from the interview: "I happe...
When I got back to the yard today I discovered that one of the dispatchers had screwed up yesterday and didn't let "R" know that I was coming in until very late in the afternoon. That didn't give him enough time to plan a load for me. I talked with him for a bit and we discussed what loads we had on the yard. None of them paid what I am used to getting. We decided that it would be best for me to just get a room and wait until Monday to pick up a better payung load. What can I say? I don...
The other day I picked up a usb tv tuner unit for my laptop. I'm not a big television fan at all but I figured it would be nice to have that option when sitting around in the truck for an extended period of time, like today. Naturally since analog broadcasts are soon to be extinct the card is capable of both analog and HDTV digital broadcast reception. As I expected, the picture quality of the digital broadcast is exceptional. With digital there's no such thing as a snowy picture. Either you ...
Pretty much everyone is complaining about the high fuel prices right now, but few are actually doing anything about it. It's pretty easy for most people to cut back on what they spend to fuel their vehicles but from what I see out here on the roads every day, in all parts of the country, very few people are actually doing it. The single biggest impact one can have on their fuel cost, and the easiest one to do, is to simply slow down. The faster one drives the more fuel their vehicle is ...
I am so amused that I managed to upset our resident pantywaist while exposing him for the hypocrite and phony religious adherent that he truly is. He's a fucking waste of space and a complete moron. Not to mention a crybaby who needs to go suck on a tit (might do his wimpy ass some good). Enough of that, let him cry in his Cheerios, he's a pathetic wimp. I made delivery in IL today and then boogied up to the yard to see what I'm doing next. "R" gave me a choice of three loads. One was goin...
There's a bright side to everything, and that includes breaking down. Thanks to the extra knitting time afforded me by the break down I was able to finally finish the first sleeve on the sweater I am knitting. As I am just making this thing up ass I go instead of following a pattern it's not surprising that things don't come out exactly as intended, and this sleeve is no exception. I discovered that instead of doing two decreases every siz rounds to taper the sleeve I should have been doing t...
While climbing up Monteagle today my truck over heated and went into automatic shut down, leaving me sitting on the shoulder of a very steep grade. I could see a sign that there was a rest area one mile further up the grade, and knew there was a truck stop about a mile past that. I decided that once the engine cooled down enough I would try to limp the truck up to the rest area, let it cool again there, and then limp into the truck stop. That didn't quite work as planned. When I slowly cli...