A bunch of useless crap
MasonM's Articles In Current Events
February 19, 2008 by MasonM
Saudi Arabia, a supposed ally of the U.S., arrested an American businesswoman for sitting with a male co-worker at a table in a Starbucks and having coffee with him. Under Sharia law this is illegal. The story is linked in the header of this article.   These people really need to bring themselves out of the middle ages already. I find it especially interesting that the man was released without being charged with anything.
February 16, 2008 by MasonM
I'm sad to say that this incident happened in my own home county. The deputy demanded that this man, who is paralyzed from the chest down and was arrested for a traffic warrant, stand up to be searched. After he insisted that he was paralyzed and unable to stand...well you can see for yourself how the deputy handled it. The deputy is now facing felony charges for abusing a disabled person, and rightly so.
May 13, 2007 by MasonM
A lawsuit has been filed against a Chicago school because a substitute teacher showed the movie Brokeback Mountain to an 8th grade class and claims that a 12 year old girl was traumatized by the movie. Ok, the "traumatized" bit aside, what the hell is a teacher, substitute or not, doing showing this movie or any other non-educational movie in a public school? What happened to actually TEACHING? Our school system is going to hell in a hurry. Link Link
February 10, 2007 by MasonM
This has to be the best article I've read on the whole astronaut love triangle story. Link
January 27, 2007 by MasonM
Hanoi Jane Fonda was among celebrities joining in an anti-war demonstration in Washington D.C. today. Naturally seeking to be in the spotlight once again, she said, "I haven't spoken at an anti-war rally in 34 years because of lies about me that were used to hurt the anti-war movement,'' Academy Award-winning actress and fitness guru Fonda told the cheering crowd. Fonda was referring to the criticism that dogged her for decades for speaking against the Vietnam War from Hanoi in 1972 and be...
January 7, 2007 by MasonM
I always did think that Tigger charactor seemed a bit unstable. He's flouncy, bouncy, full of vim and vigour and loves to leap in your lap, or so the song says. But Winnie the Pooh's Tigger has landed in trouble at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida - he stands accused of hitting a child while posing for a photo. Jerry Monaco of New Hampshire was filming his son Jerry Jnr as he posed with Tigger at the Orlando theme park. But what he saw through the viewfinder was Tiger deliveri...
November 28, 2006 by MasonM
I just saw this story on my local news station. Police arrest this sick bastard in Tampa for torturing and killing three cats with a propane torch. Some people are just sick. Link
November 25, 2006 by MasonM
I just heard this story on the local news channel. one of our Sheriff's Deputies was out in the woods in a dense and remote area and was bitten by a diamondback rattler. He was carried out by firemen after they finally got to him after the call came in over a cell phone. Luckily there was a judge with him who was able to lead the firemen to the bitten man's location. The deputy is in intensive care but is expected to survive. Nothing exciting but still just not the sort of story one he...
November 20, 2006 by MasonM
The Welsh government recently ordered a sausage company to rename it's product "Welsh Dragon Sausage" so that it includes the word "pork" so as to not mislead the public about the product. Their reasoning? Because the product does not contain any dragon meat. I have to wonder if they were able to issue this order with a straight face or was there a lot of snickering going on at the time. Link
November 1, 2006 by MasonM
Today, after a great deal of rejection and arm twisting from members of his own party, Jackass John Kerry finally issued a formal apology for his stupid remark that offended so many American citizens and service members. WASHINGTON — Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, under intense fire from both parties for remarks made Monday in which he suggested U.S. troops are "stuck in Iraq" because of their education, issued an apology Wednesday afternoon for what he called "my poorly stated joke." ...
October 15, 2006 by MasonM
A 6.6 earthquake rocked Hawaii today. All of the damage and injury reports aren't in yet but it is known that power is out on Oahu. Luckily the quake didn't reult in a tsunami. I wonder how many tourists had a rude awakening about 7:07 am local time this morning? Link
October 8, 2006 by MasonM
After receiving numerous calls from local citizens about Sheriff's Deputies hanging out in a church parking lot for hours at a time instead of working a news station decided to check it. Over the course of a couple of weeks they staked out the church parking lot with their news cameras. Sure enough, they taped several deputies. sometimes as many as 6 or 7, hanging out in this parking lot shooting the breeze and generally goofing off. One corporal in particular was shown to sit in that par...
October 5, 2006 by MasonM
The nitwit religious fanatics from the Westboro Baptist church are at it again. These sick, disgusting fake Christians were actually planning to stage a protest at the funerals of the little Amish girls who were recently murdered in their school. This is a sick, hateful, evil group of people. How dare they even consider using the grief of these poor people to further their hateful mockery of Christianity? Radio show host Mike Gallagher actually talked them out this disgusting plan by of...
July 11, 2006 by MasonM
Yes, those loveably misunderstood terrorists are at it again. This time in India. I'm sure it must be Bush's fault. Link
March 12, 2008 by MasonM
This morning in Dallas, TX a 28 year old woman threw her two children from an overpass into rush hour traffic and then jumped from it herself. Amazingly, at this point all three are still alive although in critical condition. Truly horrific.   AP Story