I stopped here in Gallup, NM to enjoy brunch before making my way across the state. While I was sitting at the counter enjoying my food this younger driver who was sitting there started a conversation with me. It wasn't long before he began bad mouthing the indian population of the area. Many of the things he said would have been offensive to anyone with even a modicum of civility about them. And all of his comments were said within earshot of our waitress who happened to be Navaho and a very...
I saw this on the news this morning. Link What a bummer.
Tonight I was watching the show Treasure Hunters. During the program they ask a question related to a clue found by the contestants and you can go online and answer the question for a chance to win $10,000. I went online and answered the question knowing for certain that I gave the correct answer. At the end of the show as they were building up to announce the winner I knew with 100% certainty that I had given the correct answer and that I had won the cash. For just that one moment in tim...
My thanks to Little Whip and Sally Jacobs for inspiring this line of thought. There is an old expression "Perception is reality". Imagination and perception. How we perceive our world and imagine it to be in our own mind is pretty much what our world is to us. These mixed with a bit of hard reality are what really make up our individual worlds. I doubt that there are two people who live in the exact same world. Now I'm not talking about how we imagine the world should be but rath...
Has a better snack ever been invented?
This is one police chase that just smacks of the sort of things Mel Brooks and company would dream up. Link
I'm home. I haven't yet made the trip to the grocery store so the cupboard is bare. So what the hell do I want for dinner? I could go to Wendy's and get something. It's only about a half a block from here. I could order pizza. Here the choices open up some. Papa John's or Hungry Howie's? What kind? Pepperoni? Cheese? Hawaiian? I could order Chinese, but they require a minimum $15 order for delivery and I don't think I'm THAT hungry. I do have a bag of brown rice in the cupboard an...
I was never exactly a cat lover until I got Socrates, but I have to admit he's pretty cool. So, do you like cats? Why or why not?
Was playing around with my desktop graphics and kinda like the results.
Thanks to Dr. Guy for reminding me of this one. Several years ago my girlfriend, who bowled on a league, and I went bowling with some friends. It had been planned for a week or so and as I hadn't been bowling since I was a kid I didn't own a ball or shoes or any of the usual stuff. During the week I had purchased a ball and had it drilled, some shoes, and a bag. The night came and we started bowling. My turn came and I followed my girlfriend's instructions, approached the line, took my ...
As my hip was hurting a good bit this morning, I got out the vicoden I've had stashed back. The bottle only had two pills in it and Ive had them for a pretty long time now, maybe 7 or 8 months. They were prescribed at 2 pills every 8 hours. I took the two of them with my morning coffee hoping they would ease the pain in my hip a bit. They did help some. After eating my lunch I cracked open a brew. Just about the time I finished the second beer I feel a pretty healthy buzz and that's when I...
Last night I was tinkering around with my desktop. I tried some new icons and graphics. It wasn't a radical change, but I thought it looked nice and so I posted a screenshot in my blog. Within a few minutes an Admin removed my screenshot image. WTF? There was nothing obscene, vulgar, or objectionable about my desktop at all. No nudie pic or anything like that. The only reasons I can think of for this is that either this Admin has gotten carried away here, screenshots have suddenly become a...
I volunteer some time at a large and well known Linux help forum to assist people with Linux related technical issues and answering questions related to Linux. They are often newbies who are just learning the OS and need a bit of help, often with some pretty basic things, as they learn the different ways of getting things done in Linux as opposed to Windows. One thread today was a person asking about installing a new version of Firefox. His questions were extremely basic and it was obvious...
I love this person! What a great and humorous way to deal with a neighbor stealing your wireless access. I love it. Link
The lightening and thunder just started about three minutes ago. A very loud crack, a loud peal of thunder,. Socrates diving under the couch,. and me closing the skylights to stop the sudden inpouring of rain. Gotta love living in a tropical climate. I wonder what's gonna burn down this time?