A bunch of useless crap
MasonM's Articles In Pure Technology
August 20, 2006 by MasonM
Ok, a facetious title but a pretty interesting article. If you read it through you get the idea that they may not even be able to prove, disprove, or even know if they succeeded or not. Interesting just the same. Maybe this is how we got here? Link
February 10, 2007 by MasonM
I found this article quite interesting. If the strange red object are indeed some form of alien life or spores, they are unlike what we accept as living cells here on Earth as they lack DNA or a nucleus. I'll be interested to read further test results on this. Link
April 22, 2008 by MasonM
I've been watching a program called Crude on the History Channel. It's the first truly realistic scientific examination of the planetary greenhouse effect that I have seen. It was quite compelling and made far more sense than most of the propaganda pieces out there today. Scientists compared data from fairly diverse fields of study. They compared past mass extinctions, formation of oil and coal deposits, past climate data extrapolated from both fossil and geologic records, and past CO2 levels...