A bunch of useless crap
Published on June 18, 2007 By MasonM In Misc
OK, a lot of people claim to follow the teachings of Jesus. That's cool, I agree with them myself.

In almost every truck stop I visit there is some scribling or other on the bathroom stall from a supposed Christian quoting some bible verse or a catchy Christian phrase or other. What kind of message does this really send? "Jesus saves" might well seem to be an important message to communicate, but when it's written on a bathroom stall what message does it really send?

So, Christians feel that it's ok to deface the property of another? It's ok to vandalize the property of someone else in the name of religion?

As far as I am concerned these people are complete morons. How does breaking the law and disrespecting the property of another in any way present a positive image for your religion? Kinda puts them in the same bunch of folks I see every day who pass by me driving well over the speed limit with a Christian fish symbol on the back of their vehicle.

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on Jun 18, 2007
I see every day who pass by me driving well over the speed limit with a Christian fish symbol on the back of their vehicle.

Lately when I encounter those kind (the ones with little stylized dove outlines are just as bad) they seem to think speed limit signs are meant to be divided by two.

Seriously, though, I've long said that people with those symbols are the worst drivers on the road. If at all possible, I avoid them like the plague. It's as if having Jesus as their co-pilot makes them think they don't have to worry about anything (or anyone) else. Maybe they're just trying to meet the big guy sooner rather than later and hoping a few of "the lost" get sucked up in their wake? Slipstream to paradise, anyone?
on Jun 18, 2007
I'm pretty sure that Christians are expected to obey the law.
on Jun 18, 2007
Who poops with a marker in their hand anyway? I think they should spend that time in quiet contemplation of whether Jesus would mark on bathroom stalls. Maybe they just didn't have time to finish their thought. Maybe the whole message was "Jesus saves me from constipation" but they were so moved (pun intentional) they didn't have enough time to finish writing.
on Jun 18, 2007

Who poops with a marker in their hand anyway? I think they should spend that time in quiet contemplation of whether Jesus would mark on bathroom stalls. Maybe they just didn't have time to finish their thought. Maybe the whole message was "Jesus saves me from constipation" but they were so moved (pun intentional) they didn't have enough time to finish writing.

I just find it hard to fathom how they reconcile their religious beliefs with vandalism.
on Jun 18, 2007
I just find it hard to fathom how they reconcile their religious beliefs with vandalism.

who says they're Christian in the first place? Maybe they are...but maybe they aren't either. There's more to proving oneself a Christian than writing "Jesus Saves" on a wall. If a kid writes "bomb" on the wall does it make him the unabomber?

And as far as the speed thing goes or the reckless driving....who's to say the one behind the wheel that particular moment is the owner of the car? Maybe it's a relative or the next door neighbor for all you know.

Also, have you stopped to consider that maybe the car was sold with the fish symbol on it? I've actually seen that happen before where a Christian actually felt guilty because he FORGOT to take the little fish symbol off the car when he sold it.

Besides, I'm a Christian and I know from time to time I go over the speed limit. I don't try to. I try to honor the law and I try my best to be a polite driver, but just because I'm a Christian, I'm not perfect.....but I'd never deface anybody's property. Never.

You know the saying....a Christian isn't perfect......just forgiven.

I think you could be jumping to conclusions here.
on Jun 18, 2007
I think you could be jumping to conclusions here.


So the dozens of fish I see swim past me every day are just a coincidence or are second-hand cars? The dozens of Christian scrawlings I see on bathroom walls are what? Atheists who are just writing these thing for kicks?

Get real.

on Jun 18, 2007
well then believe what you what.

You say you're a Christian but then you take every opportunity to bash Christians and calling them stupid isn't very nice....if indeed they were Christians in the first place.

I can't imagine calling a brother or sister in Christ stupid.

Besides, many people like Christian symbols...ie..fish,cross, doves,angels, etc but have no inclination towards Christianity when it comes to doctrine.
on Jun 18, 2007

There is a mindset that humans have. This mindset is, "If someone else is doing it, it's okay for me to do it too." It's the mob mentality that happens in riots, just scaled down to bathroom-wall writing. Yeah, it's wrong. But someone else already did it. Why shouldn't I add something positive to all that negativity pouring off the wall at me? It's already vandalized. Well, it's still wrong to do it, but it's easier to justify it to yourself that way.

It's like the car they put in the nice neighborhood, and the one they put in the crappy neighborhood. The next day, the crappy neighborhood car was completely wrecked. A week later, the nice neighborhood car was still fine. Then, they broke a window on the nice neighborhood car. The next day, it was completely wrecked. It was okay to smash the rest of the windows, because someone had already smashed one window.

It's the same thing with speeding. Everyone else is speeding, I'm just being rude if I go slower, right? Got to do the loving thing and get out of their way by going 90.

It's definitely part of the fleshy, non-Christ part of us. But it's still there.
on Jun 19, 2007
You say you're a Christian but then you take every opportunity to bash Christians and calling them stupid isn't very nice.

Only certain Christians. There are plenty of true, honest, non self-righteous, non hypocritical Christians that I really like.

I can't imagine calling a brother or sister in Christ stupid.

Why not? Stupid people are stupid people.
on Jun 19, 2007
"If someone else is doing it, it's okay for me to do it too."

Yeah, it just amazes me that people can be such hypocrites.
on Jun 19, 2007
I can call myself God, but that does not make it so.  People like to deceive themselves and believe they are one thing, when their deeds indicate they clearly are not.
on Jun 19, 2007
"Jesus Saves"
"That's why I flush mine."

You say you're a Christian but then you take every opportunity to bash Christians and calling them stupid isn't very nice

To quote a popular 90's philosopher, "Stupid is as stupid does." In context, the stupid Christians would be the ones behaving as described in the article.

Also, have you stopped to consider that maybe the car was sold with the fish symbol on it? I've actually seen that happen before where a Christian actually felt guilty because he FORGOT to take the little fish symbol off the car when he sold it.

If I bought a car that had the bumper sticker "John Kerry: Taking America Back!" I'd be scraping that sucker off real fast.

Besides he did write "from a supposed Christian," meaning the actual Christianity of the person could be doubted based on his actions.

I too originally wrote the "maybe they're not really Christians" argument in my original response, but removed it before posting. Based on the way the article is worded and the weakness of the argument itself, it wasn't worth making.
on Jun 19, 2007
Why are you looking up here when the joke's in your hand

I like that one. or...

Here I sit on the pooper, givin' birth to a Texas State Trooper.

That's a good one too. Now, uh....what were we talkin' about?    Oh yeah: JESUS SAVES! BUT MOSES INVESTS.
on Jun 19, 2007

flush twice 'cause it's a long way to the kitchen


piss fast 'cause Texas crabs can swim upstream.
on Jun 19, 2007
one more and I swear I'll quit:

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but whips and chains excite me,
So throw me down,
and tie me up and show me that you like me.
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