A bunch of useless crap
Published on January 15, 2006 By MasonM In Blogging
I was on my way to the store this evening to pick up a couple of things. Ok, it was beer and smokes. That's beside the point. I was cruising along our narrow streets at a nice, safe 15 mph, taking it easy, and some old fart backs his pickup truck out of his drive right in front of me. Umm, hello! Do you not see me with my red bike, bright orange shirt, and xenon bulb headlight ? Of course not becasue you never looked in this direction.

It was far too close to stop so I slammed into this jerk's truck at roughly 15mph, absorbing most of the blow with my right shoulder to prevent expensive damage to my bike. I spent the next two or three minutes yelling at this old fool instead of going where I had planned.

I might not be so pissed off if it hadn't been my drinking arm.

on Jan 15, 2006
his response?
on Jan 15, 2006
He really didn't have one beyond a pathetic apology for not looking where the hell he was driving. The typical "Sorry, I didn't see you" crap. Yeah, well kinda hard to see something in a direction you never turned your head huh?

Ok, I guess I'm still a little pissed, but that's pretty much the way it went.
on Jan 15, 2006
Unfortunately the people who are behind the wheels in traditional (4 wheels or more) motorized vehicles never have a clue about anyone on the road except themselves and possibly other motorized vehicles.

It sucks, but it's a big part of why I don't ride a motorcycle. The car/truck drivers out there are oblivious to you when you are not riding in another vehicle with 4 (or more) wheels.
on Jan 15, 2006
Yup. Nothing like being behind the wheel of a mulit-ton missle and disengaging the old brain pan, eh?
on Jan 15, 2006
If he backed out and hit you, I smell lawsuit here.
on Jan 16, 2006
Nah, I'm not a sue-er rat. No harm, no foul. I yelled at him, made myself sorta feel better, and hopefully the old fool will look BOTH ways before pulling out again. While my shoulder will be sore for a couple of days, it's not like I suffered serious injury.
on Jan 16, 2006
Thank God you're ok! sheesh, darn idiotic asshats!

Whew! not even an xray? just to be safe? with HIS insurance?
on Jan 16, 2006
Nah, not much into puttng doctor's kids through college over nothing.
on Jan 16, 2006
No harm, no foul. I yelled at him, made myself sorta feel better, and hopefully the old fool will look BOTH ways before pulling out again.

I always do this. Even if it draws attention to myself, I've been involved in some pretty close situations since taking up bike riding and walking a lot more downtown. Unfortunately, it's only a few people who bother to look contrite. The others just tend to shrug it off and then peel away as if nothing had happened.

on Jan 16, 2006

I might not be so pissed off if it hadn't been my drinking arm.

Can you wiggle the fingers?  Ok?  Whew!  That was a close call!

Glad you are ok, and can laugh about it now.