Do you have any Indian, Mediterranean or Mid Eastern restaurants around you? They typically have a fair number of vegetarian or vegan options.
Have you ever tried hummus? It's a chic pea spread that has garlic, tahini (made from sesame seeds ground into oblivion), olive oil and a bit of lemon juice in it. It is packed with good protein and essential amino acids. It is also my daughter's most requested food for lunch (with assorted raw veggies to dip in it). It is very easy to make with a common blender, and all the ingredients can be found in a regular store. If you want a recipe, let me know and I'll dig it I want some myself.....
I was thinking about your new eating plan over the weekend and remembered a site that I used to get recipes from. Here it is:
Also, if you can afford it, subscribe to vegetarian times, or buy their recipe book (it's a couple years of recipes). They have some great, easy to make recipes in there. Most of them are vegan, or they have suggestions on how to make them that way. If you want, maybe we can start a vegetarian/vegan discussion in the "Home and Family" section (there is a cooking section) on here. Then we could post recipes and suggestions. I have a lot of tried and true recipes that might be of help.