This is the season people reflect on the events of the past year, and I am no exception. The 26th of this month will mark the one year anniversary of the devastating car wreck that turned my life inside out. It has really been quite a difficult year, to say the least.
I spent New Year's Eve in traction at a hospital some 1300 miles from home, alone and stoned out of reality on morpheine. That was accompanied by additional treatment for various cuts and bruises as well as a nasty mouth infection stemming from the fact that most of my teeth were knocked out in the wreck.
Finally, the surgery was performed to install the steel pins and screws needed to repair my shattered pelvis and after a few days of physical therapy I was wheeled onto an airplane for the flight home.
I spent the next few months recouperating, progressing from mostly bed-ridden, to crutches, to a cane, and finally walking unassisted. Riding a bicycle was the key element in my progress as it helped me build the strength and flexibility in my hip to walk again. Without it I would still not be walking as well as I am now.
Towards the end of June I began thinking about finding some kind of job that would allow me to earn some income. As I was still severly physically limited, the job search was made more difficult in that I needed both something I was physically able to do, and was also close enough for me to get there on a bicycle.
I finally decided to get a state security license and persue work in that field. I landed my first job in security, which I was able to do resonably well, and was soon offered a better position with another company. That one also paid considerably better so I accepted it.
I worked hard for this new company, learning everything I could about the post and it's operations. Due to my work and past management experience, within a few weeks I was promoted to Captain. I was entrusted with supervising the post and it's officers. I worked to build a good working relationship with the client as well as the management in my company and my officers.
This past Friday I was honored at a company awards dinner and named Supervisor of the Year.
In a year's time I have gone from being an invalid to being a trusted and respected member of a team protecting the property and interests of a large company. It's definately been some kind of year.
I still have a long way to go in rebuilding some kind of life. I am alone, still somewhat unsettled and in a state of transition. But eventually these things will change. Well, except maybe for the alone part. Somehow I think that part may stay as-is.