After a long and very rough day at work today, I decided to stop by the local bar for a brew or three on my way home. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
After a couple of beers I decided to head on home. Unfortunately, I had forgotten about the much-too-early Christmas parade in town tonight which basically had closed off all of the streets between myself and home. Thanks to this improperly scheduled event I was forced, against my will, to endure a couple of more hours of drinking beer and talking to people.
I forced myself to drink more beer and hold a conversation with a couple of less-than-ugly young ladies. One of them kept telling her friend "you know who he looks like? the singer? you know?. After a few minutes of this they finally hit upon the name Michael Bolton, and mutually decided I looked just like him and begged me to sing them a song. Bolton? Me? Pla-eeeze.
I sing like a bird. Ever heard a buzzard? Besides, Bolton looks like a, well, let's just say I wasn't exacty flattered.
I shaved off my moustache last weekend. I think I'll let it grow back.