Tonight I worked the 4PM to midnight shift, and it was the first time I rode the new bent to work. What a great ride. The bike was extremely comfortable and responsive, it was a real pleasure to ride. No pain or discomfort at all if you don't count the blistering heat and humidty of a typical July afternoon in Florida.
On my old bike, the commute took about 15 minutes. With the bent it took 10. The bent is definately faster than my old beater without my actually trying to be faster.
Just a bit of trivial information. Most bike nuts tend to name their babies, err I mean bikes. My old beater was named Recovery as it was a very important factor in my getting to walk again faster than the doctors predicted. She was my primary physical therapy, and did a wonderful job of it.
My new bike, the bent, is named Progress. It's a step up for me that wouldn't be possible if I hadn't recovered to the point of being able to get to working again.
I have already chosen the name of my next bike, which will be a touring bent. Probably a Rans Stratus or something similar in a long wheel base bent. When I am physically and financially able to do some bike touring I will buy it. It will be named Success.
But for now, I will enjoy Progress. And Success will never replace Progress, it will just be an addition to the family.