I made the small fifty dollar down payment for my new recumbent bike today. I am really looking forward to getting that bike out on the road and being able to ride with far more comfort and far less pain than my current bike provides.
I know it's just my imagination, but after test riding that bent, my junky old beater felt all that much more uncomfortable on the ride to and from work. I feel like a little kid that knows he's getting a really great toy for Christmas and is on pins and needles awaiting the day he can snatch it from under the tree.
With any luck, I should be able to pay off the bike in two weeks when I get paid again. Worse case, if some unforeseen event happens (I think some of you know how my luck has been) that prevents me from paying it off in full, it will be another two weeks to the following paycheck and paying it off. At $300 he's making me one heck of a great deal on the bike, especially considering the upgrades he has made to it.
50 down, 250 to go and I'll be riding in a lot less pain and a lot more comfort on an admittedly strange looking bike. It's a lot cheaper to buy and operate than a car, not to mention a lot healthier and more fun.
It's going to be a long two weeks waiting to get to play with my new toy.