A bunch of useless crap
I've been playing an online game called Galaxis lately. Link. It's a pretty cool game as these things go. Basically, you are building a planetary colony from scratch. You must aquire the needed materials and money (credits) to build and upgrade by trading commodities, pirating, or perfoming missions.

You start out with a single small ship, some credits and materials and go from there. Some players choose to be primarily pirates who gain credits and materials by attacking and pillaging other's colonies and fleets, some are primarily traders, and some are mix of the two.

While it doesn't seem like much when you first start out, it's surprising how interested you can become in the game and your colony fairly quickly. It can really get you angry when you log in to discover someone has attacked your colony and stolen all or part of your hard earned credits and materials. Planning and strategy are crucial.

I'm still relatively early in the game and am focused more on building up strong defenses than anything in order to protect my gains as I progress.

If you like online games and haven't checked this one out yet, have a look. It's a pretty decent game if you're into that sort of thing.

on Jun 19, 2005
I'm in.
on Jun 19, 2005
Sounds like a game I used to have on my BBS. Don't remember the name, though.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jun 19, 2005
Sounds like a game I used to have on my BBS.

on Jun 19, 2005
Could have been TradeWars; I'm not sure. It was an Atari BBS, BTW.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central