A bunch of useless crap
or well on my way to having a fit
Published on February 15, 2004 By MasonM In Blogging
This past week I have started working out on the road. I bought some weights and portable exercise equipment to take on the road. Have a workout room set up at home but can only use that when I am home. Now I am working out Tuesday and Thursday on the road, and Saturday or Sunday I do a thorough heavy workout at home.
This routine should speed up reaching my fitness goals. Since the first of the year I have dropped from 250lbs to this morning's weight of 213lbs. I tried on my old size 38 jeans this morning. I could actually get them on and buttoned. Ok, they're still snug but at least I could actually button them.
Today I also took the next step in my fitness plan; I quit smoking. Cold turkey. If I am serious about getting fit and healthy, smoking has no part in that. It's gonna be tough, but I am 42 years old, out of shape, and over weight. My overall health is good, no major disease or conditions, so now is the time to get in shape if I want to be healthy.
I am making progress in my exercise routine. I am getting stronger and leaner every day. Quitting the smokes will help increase my blood oxygen levels and lung capacity which will result in a raised metabolism to burn off more body fat and build up more lean muscle. This is all assuming that I don't go completely insane from withdrawl and start sniping people from the local bell tower.
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