A bunch of useless crap
Do You Really Want To Know The Truth?
Published on May 8, 2005 By MasonM In Misc
What if you were presented the opportunity to know the real, unadultered Truth about the universe and everything in it?

If you take the blue pill, the entire truth of everything will be revealed to you.

If you take the red pill, you continue on as you are now.

Which would you choose? Would you take the blue pill even if it would possibly reveal that everything that you believe is totally wrong? Or would you rather not know?

on May 08, 2005
Red pill definitely!!

As I've said before in other blogs, there is nothing worse being inflicted with the idiot in the theater who has seen the film and tells their friends about what's going to happen. The person who sees that you are reading a book, so he feels the need to tell you what happens is just as bad.

If I can't stand "movie" and "book" spoilers, I know I would find a "life" spoiler 1,000 times more annoying.
on May 08, 2005
If I can't stand "movie" and "book" spoilers, I know I would find a "life" spoiler 1,000 times more annoying.

Interesting perspective on it. Thanks.
on May 08, 2005
I would with out a doubt take the BLUE PILL! That's my number one desire in life, to know the Truth and to see things the way they really are. I would not hesitate for one second if I was given that chance.
on May 08, 2005
Thanks Shovel.
on May 08, 2005
Is doubtful I could handle the truth, but it would be nice to know. But pills... pills are bad and stuff...
on May 08, 2005
Appreciate the indecisive answer Danny. Is a tough question if you really give it some thought.
on May 09, 2005

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

The Blue Pill.  If my beliefs cannot stand truth, I should not have them.

on May 09, 2005
I want the Blue pill. How could you turn your back on an opportunity like that?
on May 09, 2005
I swallowed the blue pill long ago.. it ain't fun, but it is enlightening.
on May 10, 2005
Ok, the input to this one has died now so I'll add my own take on this.

I would take the red pill. Why? Because the mystery, wonder, and joy of discovery are a big part of what makes life worth all the bother.