A bunch of useless crap
No More Bad Days
Published on May 3, 2005 By MasonM In Blogging
This morning I was forced out of bed early by a severe pain deep within my healing broken hip. This is not a new pain. I have come to know it quite well. My first thought was "It's going to be a bad day".

This is one of the days in which I must use my cane in order to get around. This is one of those days when the temptation to take the powerful narcotic pain killers is particularly strong. This is one those days when I could easily bemoan my current position in the grand scheme of this very strange series of events we loosely refer to as "life".

At some point this morning the seed of a thought began germinating in the soil of my mind. Is this really a "bad" day? Obectively, I would have to say no, it isn't a "bad" day at all. The sun is shining, it's warm outside, a vast number of people are busy going about their lives working, spending time with their loved ones, and generally trying to be happy. So no, it really isn't a "bad" day at all.

I have decided that there are no "bad" days or "good" days. There are only days. From now on, I will not have any "bad" days. Today I am having a "cane" day. Tomorrow I may or may not have a "cane" day. But either way, I won't have a "bad" day. Pain is a side product of the healing process. Some days there will be great pain. Some days there will be lesser pain. Eventually there may even be days with no pain.

Regardless of whether it's a day with or without great pain, whether I need the cane or not, whether I can sit peacefully or very uncomfortably, it is not a "bad" day.

on May 04, 2005
oh thank you Mason! What an insightful post. Literally brought tears to my eyes, and it couraged me to continue...
Now I too can look at every day in a new light. Yesterday was a "bad" day for me, with my severe disc degenerative disease, and I took a Tylenol with codine.
Now today can be a "medicine relief" day, and I'll enjoy reading more of your posts too!
on May 04, 2005
You're welcome Trudy. I know how it is, I also have a bad back to go along with everything else. Hang in there.