Or Are They Just Simple-Minded?
I find it truly amazing at times when I read an article and the subsequent comments that some people can take an article about ANYTHING and somehow twist it into a vehicle to propagate their particular idealogical agenda.
Why? Are these people that single-minded (or simple-minded) that to them everything is viewed as an opportunity to get on the soap box? It doesn't matter if it's politics, religion, liberal, conservative, or pro/anti-Martian rights, these people seem to have no other purpose in life but to regurgitate their particlular ideologic focus at every opportunity.
Is there nothing else in that mind at all? Can anyone really be that totally absorbed by a single idea or philosphy that they can't comment on the general idea(s) presented in a article without singling out a tiny comment or two and focusing completely on it/them and going on a ideological tangent that has little or no bearing on the focus of the article?
What motivates such a person to be so completely obtuse just so they can continually propagate their own ideals? Is it a lack of understanding, self-absorption, stupidity, ignorance of the existence of any other concepts, or is it something as simple as having a truly obnoxious personality?
I don't know the answers here, just posing my muses on such people and wondering how in the world someone could be so single/simple-minded as to not be able to see or understand anything outside of their particular ideologic focus.