A bunch of useless crap
Finding Comfort in the Electrical Age
Published on February 7, 2004 By MasonM In Home & Family
For several years now I have used so-called primitive lighting in my home instead of the harsh artificial electric lighting most commonly used these days.
Ok, I am a little old fashioned by nature. I prefer simple country fare to gourmet. A nice walk in the woods is fare more enjoyable to me than hours spent sitting in front of the idiot box being inundated with endless commercials. I feel that the simple pleasures are more real and lasting, and they bring peace instead of frustration and stress.
I light my home primarily with oil lamps, lanterns, and candles. The light is far less harsh and more natural than electrically induced light. This gives a warm, comfortable feeling to the room and is very relaxing. Where artificial light can be very white and stark, natural flame light is softer and more gentle on the eyes.
If you really want to relax at home in the evening after work, buy yourself some oil lamps. Use them instead of your electric lights and see how relaxing it can be. Many people don't like candles because of the flicker of the flame. Oil lamps solve this problem, providing a steady, non-flickering flame and an amazing amount of light.
My living room is fairly large. I have three oil lamps mounted on the walls, and four table style oil lamps placed aound the room. Usually I only have to light two or three lamps to provide a nice comfortable light level throughout the room. If we have company over, or have a need for more light, I simply light the remaining lamps and the room is very brightly lit without being harsh or uncomfortable. It amazing just how relaxed people are when they spend a little time sitting and talking in a room lit by natural flame instead of electricity.
It isn't unusual to only have one lamp burning if we are settled in for the evening and just relaxing on the couch. We also keep a lantern or candle stick with a carry grip for moving from room to room. This is great for temporary lighting in a room you are just visiting for a short time (like the bathroom).
Each room of the house has it's own stationary oil lamps and candles for longer term lighting.
The wide variety of oil lamps available today can be staggering. They come in all shapes, sizes, and styles which will fit just about any room decor and lifestyle. They can run in price from just a few dollars to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. A great many styles of shades are also available for oil lamps, from simple glass globes to very expensive tiffany glass shades.
While there are certain things to know about oil lamps and how to use them, they are pretty simple and one can learn the safe, correct way to use them very quickly.
One caution is with regard to children. If you have small children I recommend using wall mounted lamps so small children can't knock them over or burn themselves. These lamps do get quite hot.
If you've never tried oil lamps and/or candles to light your rooms, give them a try. Especially the oil lamps. You may forsake electric lighting forever.
on Jul 22, 2007

Mason:  don't know how I missed this "way back when"!  It's quite informative and now I understand why my ex-husband had oil lamps.  They weren't just for show apparently. 

Do you still use these now? 

Nice article.