A bunch of useless crap
Published on January 26, 2004 By MasonM In Blogging
So much for this week's paycheck and a ripping start on the new job. This snowstorm has really socked it to us here. I live up a pretty steep hill and right now our road is covered with several inches of snow with a nice layer of ice on top of it. Can't go anywhere until it's cleared, and we are expecting round two a little later today. Already getting cabin fever. LOL
Last night I bundled up and walked down the hill and around the corner to the store. About a mile or so, not too far. Amazing what a tobacco addict will do when out of smokes. LOL
Walking was definately safer than driving, which would have been immpossible. Still was tricky business. I was glad I had thought to take my hiking stick with me. I don't think I would have made it back up the hill without it.
Well, hopefully they'll get the road cleared as soon as the mess passes. I doubt they'll even attempt to clear these secondary roads until the weather has cleared. WHen I went to the store they were working on scraping the main road. I'm sure that made a nice mess when the ice built up. By the time I got back to the house my stetson had a good half inch of ice built up on it.
Someone would think it was winter or something.
on Jan 26, 2004
I experienced something similar at the beginning of last month. Only I was snowed in for a week at my brother's house. I was very grateful when the roads cleared.
on Jan 26, 2004
Hi, Guy!

Ihave the same situation and the same forecast here in Virginia. It's tough when one needs to be earning a living and the weather won't cooperate! I'm self-employed and it can be tough, to say the least. But, it's winter, for sure! Try to enjoy your day off and think of the wages you'll earn when you get out of the snowbank.
on Jan 26, 2004
Yeah I'm in Virginia too