A bunch of useless crap
Comedy Night
Published on January 13, 2004 By MasonM In Blogging
The afternoon is just about over. Just had what I hope is the last call from a recruiter for the day. Yet another company I'm really not interested in working for.
At this point I'm pretty sure I'll be going to work for Swing so I can make a good living and also be home every night and weekends. Will be a nice change from being on the road for two or three weeks at a time.
I know I'm ready to get back to work somewhere; sitting around the house gets old pretty quick, and I've been home since early November.
Looking forward to getting out tonight. It's comedy night at the Dutch Inn, and I hear the comedian is supposed to pretty good. Money is tight so will have to go easy on the drinks, but should be a good time. Be fun to see our old friends too.
Wondering about dinner now. We should eat before we go out; it'll be cheaper that way.
Weather sure was nice today. It was in the 60's and sunny. Very unusual for Mid-January. They are calling for cold and snow by the weekend. YUK.
Anyone reading this will have figured out by now that this is mostly just a bit of rambling. No real point to it all really. Pretty boring stuff lol.
Have read several people's articles today. Some are interesting and well written, others are, well, what they are, kinda like my own. Better than mine, but along the same lines I guess.
I suppose mine will improve as I become more accustomed to this, and of course actually have something worth writing. (and reading)
Boy, the place where I had shingles last year is really bothering me today. Itching, burning, and all around uncomfortable. Now that's an illness I wouldn't wish on anyone! Even after nearly a year it still bothers me.
The place on my wrist where I burned myself pretty bad with the iron is healing finally. Looked pretty nasty for a while there. Almost gone now, just the worst places left. Talk about painful.
I am thinking of re-reading the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series again. Been a couple of years since I read it and Douglas Adams' writing is very amusing to say the least. Just in a comedy frame of mind I suppose.

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