This has been "one of those days". I got ready to roll this morning and the amber beacons I have to use when pulling over-size blew a fuse. Had to wait for road service to come and repair the problem. At that point it was too late to go anywhere.
I had ripped a few DVDs and was in the process of renaming some of the files. Somehow while renaming one of them I accidentally selected ALL of the movie files and they all wound up with the same name. ARGH!
Late this afternoon I decided t take a cab down to a local watering hole, I showered and changed clothes, but somehow left my keys in the truck when I got out. Ack! Locked out. I debated trying to break in but decided that would just make me madder so I went ahead to the bar. I would deal with it later.
I am now sitting in the bar, listening to a very good blues band, drinking beer, and relaxing. The whole breaking into the truck thing is still on my mind, but at least I'll be in a better mood when I have to deal with it.
If you ever find yourself in North East, Maryland check out the Pickled Herring, Great place,