Well, the burden of yet another new regulation has been placed upon the trucking industry. No hand-held cell phone use at all. One must use a hands-free device and must use voice dial or one button speed dial. Pressing more than one button, or failing to use a hands-free device will result in a fine to the driver between $1,000 - $2,750 and a fine to the driver's company of $11,000 (and most likely costing that driver his job).
In order to be certain to comply with this new law, and to make my life easier, I purchased an Android phone so that I can just use voice dialing with my bluetooth headset. It's money I would have rather used otherwise, but I can't afford the stiff fines that come with getting caught violating this new law.
I do like the voice dialing feature. Very handy. Calling a person in our office requires dialing the number and then a four digit extension. I programmed entries into my phone's phone book so that I can tell it to call a certain person and it will dial the number, pause, and then dial their extension. No need to press any buttons at all.
And, well, I do have to admit I am finding the Android phone to be very useful so I guess it isn't all bad.