A bunch of useless crap
Published on October 16, 2011 By MasonM In Blogging

For a good while now I have been considering starting an everyday stupidity thread. Just the obviously stupid shit one runs across every day. I'll start it with this one:

Moist towelettes:

I ate some very good chicken wings at Coaches Corner in Fond Du Lac, WI tonight. They provide a few packets of moist towelettes with the wings.

I was reading the back of the towelette package and saw they actually have directions for how to use them. After reading the directions I just had to chuckle. The directions read: "Just tear open and use". I can imagine the person who wrote those directions struggling to resist the tempation to add the word "stupid" at the end.

I mean, really, is there someone out there who actually needs those directions? And if so, would they be able to read them?

on Oct 17, 2011

I would say there are plenty who need them.  How many are camping on Wall Street?

on Oct 17, 2011

I can so relate as my day today as been full of stupid, stupid, STUPID people.  I never want to speak about health insurance or bank accounts again.  Moving is a pain in the ass.  That is all.  Continue on.  Have a good week and KTQ.  

on Oct 20, 2011
Guy; you have a point there. Judy; Moving certainly is a pain. Hopefully things will settle down for you soon.
on Oct 23, 2011

As an off topic and I hope you read this:   HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY WHEREVER YOU ARE MASON.  Hope you have a great dinner and some relaxing down time.       judy

on Oct 23, 2011

As an off topic and I hope you read this:   HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY WHEREVER YOU ARE MASON.  Hope you have a great dinner and some relaxing down time.       judy


Thanks, Judy. Am spending this weekend in a motel in Conroe, TX.