A week or so ago I picked up some equipment from an auction yard in MI. It was a couple of dozers and a pair of forks for a loader.
Picking up the forks, even with a forklift, was difficult. I had to pitch in and lend some manual effort to balancing them to get them on the trailer. During the process the guy running the forklift hit a pothole and I found myself trying to hold up this 1,000 lbs set of forks.
My back has been hurting like hell ever since the day after. Typical sciatica. Lower back pain radiating down one leg, making walking painful and difficult.
I am sure it will pass with time, but right now it hurts like hell and is inconvenient to say the least.
I've had back surgery once, and do NOT care to repeat that experience. Not gonna happen if I can help it.
What was that line in Roadhouse? Pain don't hurt?
Yeah, well, it kinda does but I understand the thought. I can live with it, at least for now.
Such is life.