I had been feeling pretty tired and run down of late. Work has been fairly busy and I just haven't had much in the way of down time.
I have been holed up in a motel for the past two days just catching up on my rest. I have to say that I feel much better. I had wondered if I wasn't coming down with some bug or other, but a bit of rest seems to have been just what the doctor ordered.
I really should have left out at some point today as I need to be in Milford, PA 8:00 am Monday morning, but the need to loaf a bit more seemed more important so I put off my departure until early tomorrow morning. It will mean a long, hard day of driving tomorrow, but I think it will prove to be worth it.
I intend to turn in early this evening so I can get plenty of sleep and still get up early in the morning. I figure this one more restful night should put me all the way back in the pink and I'll be in good shape to get back to work.