I had back surgery several years ago. I had lived with back pain for a long time without seeking medical help and only finally went to a doctor when my right leg stopped working. It was only pain, and you can live with that. The doctor was honest with me and told me that I had let the problem go so long that while he could make my leg work again the pain would be the same or even worse due to permanent nerve damage.
He was right about the pain part, it was worse after the surgery, but my leg worked again.
He also told me my condition was chronic and would likely need surgery again at some point in the future.
The past couple of weeks I've noticed that there are times, usually when I am tired, that I am dragging the toes of my right foot when I walk. That is not a good sign. My right leg is starting to betray me once again. I've been wearing light weight shoes most days just to ease the effect, but on the days when I have to chain/strap a load and have to wear my work boots the foot is dragging a lot.
I've tried to ignore it but it's getting to the point that it refuses to be ignored. I hate to consider it but I think surgery may be on the near horizon once again.
I'll admit that I do not want to go through that again and will probably let it go until I just can't do so anymore, but I don't think it will be much longer. I just can't afford the time off that it entails. When the leg totally rebels on me I guess I won't have any choice, again.
I despise this sort of physical weakness in myself, but what can you do? I guess I need to schedule some time off in the near future and deal with it. I have no idea what I'll do about the finances, but if I want to make a living I guess I'll have to work it out. Can't drive with only one working leg ya know.
As I type this my right leg hurts like hell, which of course means that the nerves are under some serious strain. They won't take it forever, and I doubt they will take it for much longer. *sigh* Such is getting old I suppose.