A bunch of useless crap
Published on May 1, 2009 By MasonM In Blogging

I finally made it back to the yard today. I delivered my load in Green Bay yesterday, picked up a truck in Oshkosh, ran it to the yard, and then spent the night there. This was yesterday.

This morning I put  my truck in the shop for rooutine service, and used another truck to make ppick ups at three locations for a load I was told I would be hauling to TN. The load was a bunch of stuff and took a great deal of work to load and secure. By the time I got it back to the yard they told me they'd had a change of plans and wanted me to take an over sized load to the port in Baltimore instead.


The Baltimore load pays better so I have no problem with that. But I did tell them I was done with the bullshit for one day and they were getting me a room for  tonight. They agreed.

I checked in and then hit Applebee's for dinner and adult beverages. I had a good time there chatting with some nice folks and generally just killing time.

Tomorrow I'll start for Baltimore. Better than sitting still and going broke.

on May 02, 2009

Safe travels!

on May 02, 2009

Safe travels!


on May 02, 2009

.... and there you are again! Moving and shaking.  Take care out there.  Making money is a good thing.



on May 10, 2009

Making money is a good thing.

Yeah, kinda necessary these days.