A bunch of useless crap
Published on June 12, 2004 By MasonM In Blogging
I spent all week sorting and packing; deciding what was essential enough to earn a bit of the valuable space available. What clothing I just had to have, what was really not important or needed. Let's see, I'm moving to Florida, it's summer, so I think the heavy winter coat can stay.

Shorts, lot's of shorts and tee shirts, tank tops, etc... And since I'll be job hunting, suits, ties, dress shirts, fancy socks, and dress shoes.

Well, after a week of this, I finally have everything I need ( except of course for the really really important thing which I'm sure I've overlooked). It's all packed into my car, my bicycle is on the rack on the back (sounds like Dr Seuss) and I'm pretty much ready to roll.

I'm sure there is going to be some really imortant something or other that I have managed to overlook and will really need shortly after I get there. Murphy's Law and all that.

I am planning on leaving out in the morning. This is where it comes to the hard part; actually saying goodbye to the person who has been so important a part of my life for 7 years. I really hate goodbyes. But, it's what she wants.

Frankly, there are no decent jobs around here and if I want to find something that I can do, bad back and all, I'll have to be where the jobs are.

Well, anyway, like I said, I'm pretty much ready to roll in the morning.

Except for that one damn thing I'm sure I've overlooked.

on Jun 12, 2004
I can't help you move but I CAN leave you a few points on your blog! I commend you for moving on when you see it becomes a necessity. Good luck...
on Jun 12, 2004
Hey Mason, I haven't been here a whole lot lately, so where in F.lorida are you moving to?

Good Luck!
on Jun 12, 2004
My thoughts will be with you in hoping for you nothing but success. I do hope that this does not mean that we will be dprived of your presence after the morn. I too will leave you with points and the old Irish Blessing.

"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun always shine upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields.
And, untill we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hands."

Signing out...
on Jun 12, 2004
Thanks Shel, always liked that one.

Kelly, heading for Plant City at first. Where to after that just depends on where I locate gainful employment.