A bunch of useless crap
My laptop has a problem in the powering circuit. Most likely a bad solder connection. If I just bump it or move it the wrong way it goes dead. No power at all.

A few months ago it crashed and looked like it would never power up again without repairs. I set it aside and hadn't bothered with it since. Well, now that I'm getting ready to move I decided to give it a try. It powered up, I bumped it and it crashed. Not one to give up easily, I tried it again. I am typing this on it now.

As long as I don't move it, it seems to be ok. I'll get it fixed when I get to Florida. For now I can use it as is if I'm careful. It is much faster and better than my old desktop so I'd mucg rather use it.

on Jun 11, 2004
My sister's laptop had a broken power plug. If it was moved the laptop lost power. But she sent it in and it was repaired.
on Jun 11, 2004
Mine's in the shop now.Decided to just go ahead and fix the damned thing.