The Subversion of America
It has been my personal crusade the past few years to expose THEM for who THEY really are; subversives controlling the masses. Everyone is familar with THEM on a subconscious level.
Every day you here someone make a reference to THEM. You've probably done it yourself without even realizing it. "THEY say ________." "You know what THEY say, __________."
THEY are everywhere, affecting every level of life in America today. THEY do it through the media, broadcasting subversive signals through television and radio. THEY secretly imprint coded messages into newsprint, perceived only on a subconscious level.
THEY also broadcast signals through the air, directly into the brains of unsuspecting Americans. Do you really think all those towers you see everywhere are strictly for standard communications? No! They are mind influencing transmission stations design to make people docile, obedient little taxpayers who go about their business believing they are somhow taking part in the governing of the nation through staged phony elections and such.
I can see what's really going on. I have been on to THEM for quite some time now. The only protection against these broadcasts originating from THEM is to shield your brain against the broadcasts. I line my hat with tin foil so as to block the signals. Simply wearing a tin foil hat is not good enough. THEY will see it and know you are on to THEM and you will suddenly, in the middle of the night, be whisked away in a black helicopter never to be seen again. Of course nobody will miss you because the signals will be used to make everyone forget you ever existed.
Be on your guard! Trust no one! Line your hat with tin foil and free yourself from the awful tyranny of THEM!!!!!