I'm going to have to lay off the beer, at least for the time being. Being as alcohol is a depressant I really shouldn't be drinking it right now anyway. Last night I had a few and all it really did was make me feel bad, depressed, and I also blew a week long quit and started smoking again. I think the smart thing would be to just lay off it at least until this thing settles and I am fully feeling better again.
I did write a piece last night, basically a writing exercise that helps get things out, a bit of self therapy if you will. I hadn't intended for it to post to the forums but it did. A couple of people expressed concern about it. It was just a writing exercise, and they shouldn't be concerned although I do appreciate it. It shouldn't have gone to the forums in the first place.
I'm at the Iowa 80 truck stop in Walcott, IA. It's the biggest truck stop in the world and has about 800 truck parking spots. It also has an amazing amount of shopping inside. They also have free WiFi service. I'm going to at least pick up some new chrome hubcaps for my steer wheels while I am here.
Time to go inside and see what kind of goodies they have this time around.