I had what I would normally consider a very easy day today. I went down to Waukesha and picked up this huge steel...thing, it was oversized, and hauled it down to Rockford, IL. That was only a couple of hours. I delivered it and then deadheaded up to Oshkosh where I have been parked since. Tomorrow morning I have to pick up a fire truck and haul it down to Milwaukee for a trade show of some sort, another short trip. No idea what I'll do after that.
The problem is, I have absolutely no energy at all. Even that short little trip down and back exhausted me. All I want to do is sleep, but when I lie down I can't seem to do that either. Ah well, I'm just bitching I guess, things could always be worse.
It's only 8:20 here right now but it feels like it should be midnight. I am just so fracking tired and for no good reason. I'll be glad when I get out of this and back to my abnormal self again. I'm tired of being tired and I'm tired of my ass dragging in the dirt.
Like I said, I'm just bitching.