Last night I took a pain pill and muscle relaxer to ease my back a bit. I slept like the proverbial baby. I could have slept in all day but I woke at 6:00 am. I looked at the clock, said "screw that" and went back to sleep. By 7:30 my body said "screw this" and made me get up.
I went inside the truck stop and had a few cups of coffee to get my heart started, and then I had a nice long relaxing shower. Then I had breakfast, "steak" (I swear it was really kangaroo) and eggs.. Really exciting so far eh?
I need to do some laundry and do some housekeeping in my truck but am finding it hard to get motivated right now. I feel like taking a nap instead. Ah well, it isn't even noon yet so I still have all afternoon to find some motivation and get some stuff done. I'm sure I'll get bored enough to actually do something before too much longer.
As I had to buy a pair of jeans to have clean ones to wear after my shower the laundry bit has to get done today. And it will.