I'm off to see the witch doctor again this morning. When I got up a little while ago I was pleasantly greeted by a much improved ability to get up and move around. This is a good sign to be sure.
My bad hip is actually hurting me more this morning than my injured back. I think my hips have taken a lot of abuse over the past few weeks as I've tried to compensate for the injured back while walking.
I'm almost able to walk fully erect once again. Not quite, but almost. The back is still hurting, but not nearly as much as it was even a few days ago. I think I am finally on the mend. I'm hoping that perhaps by the end of the week the doctors will allow me to return to making a living.
I'm a bit surprised at my back feeling this much better this morning as I had started to walk over to Appleby's for dinner last night and just couldn't do it. I started down the sidewalk, decided it hurt too much to be worth it, and returned to my room and ordered in. It's amazing how much healing the body can get done while one is sleeping. I think sleeping allows the body to redirect more energy to doing the job of repairing itself since you're not using that energy for the other things you do when awake and moving around.
Time to hop in the shower and start getting ready for my visit to the witch doctor.