Ok, I'm in a very foul mood this morning. I admit it. My back is hurting and spasming something awful. Too long in the bed I suppose. I woke around 5:00 local time this morning, took my pain pills and muscle relaxers, and then dozed again for a couple more hours. I was hoping that by the time I was ready to get out of the bed they would have started working and make getting up easier.
Yeah, right.
I managed to get up, get dressed (that was fun), and shuffle over to the restaurant to fill my coffee mug. I didn't sit at the counter for coffee as I had been doing as I simply wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I brought my coffee back to my room and proceeded to try and sit here to surf the net a bit. Even with a pillow behind my back to prop me up a bit more I already can barely stand sitting in this chair and this pisses me off even more.
Yeah, it's gonna be a great day.