A bunch of useless crap
Published on February 12, 2007 By MasonM In Misc
Friday I placed orders through two different retailers. The first one, Knit Picks, from whom I ordered a set of circular needles, has already shipped and should arrive tomorrow.

The second, Jo Ann's, hadn't yet posted to my credit card so I expected that there was a problem. I just got off the phone with their customer service center. She had said that the credit card transaction had failed due to an address problem. We went through it and found the problem. I had transposed two digits in the zip code when I had typed it into the form. Dumbass.

She corrected the problem and is re-running the transaction. As I had ordered 1 day delivery service there may still be a chance of getting the delivery tomorrow. Maybe not.

It pays to double check the typing.

on Feb 12, 2007
Dont I know it!  There is some eskimo in Alaska that is wondering why Target.com is sending them a speedo swim suit in the middle of winter!
on Feb 12, 2007

Dont I know it!  There is some eskimo in Alaska that is wondering why Target.com is sending them a speedo swim suit in the middle of winter!

on Feb 12, 2007
Now just be careful Knit Picks doesn't send you any nits!

People are always trying to get rid of nits. (Sorry.)
on Feb 12, 2007

Now just be careful Knit Picks doesn't send you any nits!

People are always trying to get rid of nits. (Sorry.)

That's just so wrong.