I delivered the Army trucks this morning at Ft McCoy and then had to drop down through the woods to Northern IA, just South of Dubuque to pick up three large generators. One of them doesn't have a housing and so had to be tarped. grrrrrrrr I hate those big, dirty, wet, slimy, heavy-ass things.
I did get the guy on the loading dock to help me put it on the generator, which was a huge help, but I still put quite a strain on my back just heaving the damn thing up onto the top deck (of course it was on the top deck, nothing is ever easy about tarping).
Tarps are evil things that do everything in their power to hurt you. They will try to catch every little bit of wind possible and try to flip you off the trailer and break your back. They will never, ever cooperate with you when trying to get them over something. And no matter what, they will always get your clothes filthy so that you look like you've been sleeping behind a dumpster for the past six months.
I finally managed to get everything tarped, strapped, and chained down as needed. I'm taking a brief breather before starting towards the yard. It's about 5 hours from here and I will only go part way tonight and finish the trip in the morning. Maybe I can find a cold beer someplace (after changing out of my dumpster sleeping clothing).