I managed to get a bit of grocery shopping done today. I didn't buy too much, just some essentials like toilet paper, dish soap, and enough food to last a couple of days. I'm sure there will be enough Thanksgiving leftovers to cover the remaining days at home. Oh yeah, I also picked up a bottle of white zinfandel to go with the Thanksgiving meal.
I also managed to get my laundry done today. Ok, ok, actually Mom did the laundry. But I did pack it all up again for the road.
Mom was having phone problems over the weekend and the phone company guy came out to check it on Monday. He determined that it was a problem with the inside wiring and they would charge her $115 to repair it. I told her to just let it go and I would take care of it when I got home. Yesterday I rigged her a temporary line so should could use her phone without all of the static. Today while I was out I picked up 100' of phone line and a new connection box. I'll rewire her phone lines either tomorrow or most likely Thursday while I am there stuffing myself.
My beer supply is running low so I'm going to have to wander over to the C-store to pick up a 12 pack. A day at home without that fermented nectar of the gods is like...night.
Poor Socrates is about to become unhappy. The vet's office requested that he not get any more food after 6pm tonight so as to not have any complications tomorrow. As he generally does most of his eating at night I suspect that he's going to be very upset with the lack of food and is going to be waking me up through the night wanting fed.
Ah well, not really anything important or interesting to write about so I guess I'll just have another beer.