I have always considered myself to be a gentleman, although I am very much in touch with the nitty gritty of the real world. I am not one of those people who presents a false persona online. I am who I am, warts and all. It seems that in some online communities this sort of real world honesty just doesn't quite fly.
Tonight I received a PM from a moderator there telling me that a post I made wasn't acceptable and a member had complained about it. It was a post in their "off topic" sub-forum and was in no way offensive although it was real world.
Naturally I deleted the post, but being as this has not been the first time I have been told that a post I made there was "less than gentlemanly" I followed up the deletion with a resignation to that forum. While I find that forum very informative, I also find some of the people there to be somewhat sticks in the mud. Sorry, that just isn't me. Rather than disrupt their little community I thought it was best if I just resign.
Ah well, you can't expect to be liked everywhere so I don't try. I am myself and if that's not good enough for some, tough shit.