A bunch of useless crap
Published on October 13, 2006 By MasonM In Blogging
My father died when I was 10. There was always a smell that I associated with my memories of him. Now I know what it was; Bay Rum. I ordered a bottle of old fashioned bay rum aftershave and it arrived tonight. As soon as I splashed some on I was slammed with memories of my father. It was exactly the same scent that he wore.

I already love this stuff. It has a heady, spicy, masculine scent that pales the sissy stuff they try to pass off as male scents these days. There is no mistaking this stuff for a women's perfume.

It's hardly modern or high tech, but it smells great to me. I just can't imagine why every store that sells aftershaves doesn't carry this stuff. I wish I had found it 20 years ago.

on Oct 15, 2006
Smells are the strongest memory joggers!  May be 20 years late, but you did find it and that is good.
on Oct 17, 2006
This is great M! Just one whiff of Bay Rum would transport me mentally back to my childhood!

The scent I associate with my dad is Irish Spring. He loved the soap and that's all he ever used. I bought a pack this past weekend and opened up the first one this morning and it did the same for me. I immediately started singing and whisling which is what he usually did!
on Oct 17, 2006
Reply #1
Smells are the strongest memory joggers!

This is true.
on Oct 17, 2006
Reply #2
This is great M! Just one whiff of Bay Rum would transport me mentally back to my childhood!

The scent I associate with my dad is Irish Spring. He loved the soap and that's all he ever used. I bought a pack this past weekend and opened up the first one this morning and it did the same for me. I immediately started singing and whisling which is what he usually did!

Never did like irish Spring

I would imagine not too many people these days even know what bay Rum is, let alone what it smells like.