A bunch of useless crap
Published on September 30, 2006 By MasonM In Blogging
I finally made it back to the yard and was unhooking from my trailer when a driver walked up to me and asked "Are you the computer guy?" I just kind of looked at him for a second. He explained that he had heard through the grapevine that one of the drivers here was a computer geek and from the decription he thought it might be me. Now I understood.

I told him that I was indeed the person he was looking for and asked what I could do for him. He needed some help with fixing his log book and wanted to know if I would use my routing software to help. I told him I was getting ready to go eat lunch at the truckstop and he could join me there.

I helped him with his logbook and he bought lunch. Good deal to me. I also learned that he is also an old computer geek but happened to be between laptops at the moment. I told him where he could get a good deal on one locally and woould fix him up with software once he did.

He's fairly new to the company and I'm glad to have made his acquaintence.

on Sep 30, 2006
He's fairly new to the company and I'm glad to have made his acquaintence.

And a new friend?
on Sep 30, 2006
Reply #1
He's fairly new to the company and I'm glad to have made his acquaintence.

And a new friend?

Time will tell. I don't make that transition quickly. Trust is earned.