The boss called me today while I was making my way out of NC. He wanted to know how I was making out (fine), and if I had yet had a chance to swing into a Western Star dealer to get an estimate done for the repairs for the damages done by that rookie in the truckstop a while back (nope).
As I was on my way back to WI he said he'd make an appointment for me to take it in for the estimate for Saturday. I pointed out that there were two problems with that. He asked what they were. I replied that firstly I wasn't really planning on delivering up there until Monday morning, and secondly that the Western Star body shop wasn't open on the weekends, so maybe he ought to set up an appointment for Monday afternoon.
He was impressed that I recalled the schedule for the customers (they don't like weekend deliveries) as well as the schedule for the dealership bodyshop, and asked if I would consider coming off the road, getting a place there in WI, and working in the office as a dispatcher (I suspect the real reason for his call).
Ummmmmmm, let me think it over,
I spent several years working in an office, and while I was flattered that he would ask, I do not want to go back to that environment. I just laughed it off and told him that I didn't think I could sit still that long at a time. He said he understood because he couldn't either.
Kinda nice to be asked though.